“My nightmares help me control my realm. They hunt for me, gathering the energy from dreams. Slipping into daydreams and sleeping dreams and heightening emotions. Collecting it, powering the realm and me.” He motions to me with his hand. “You will have access as well.”
“Why?” The question slips out of my mouth faster than I intended. I square my shoulders. This is probably when the other shoe drops. The figuring out what is in this for him. He has known me for less than a full day, and I am gaining access to his realm. The whole thing feels off to me. Maybe my unpleasant memories of my original father have me questioning his intentions. The man wouldn’t be winning any Father of the Year awards.
Constantine tilts his head and narrows his eyes. “You’re my heir. My only heir. We only have a month to get you ready. I’m all in. The rest is up to you.” He shrugs his shoulders, then points at Simon. “And him with the paperwork’s end.”
Simon sets the pen down and glares at Constantine. “I will help with the paperwork needed for Black Rose. Nothing more.”
Constantine scoffs and looks at Simon and then at me. “Can you believe this guy? That’s about all the paperwork that matters. Getting Salem entered and in as a Blackthorne, so nobody fucks with her.” You can feel the temperature cool. His shadows flick over his skin like flames. “Your job at this school is helping make sure students are safe. Salem is your focus. Make it happen.”
Simon’s jaw flexes as he leans forward. “I work for Black Rose. I don’t work for you. If the ministry figures out we are working together, we all will be under a microscope. So the best move is to show you and pay to have someone fill all the paperwork out.”
Constantine rolls his eyes and places his elbows on the table, leaning forward into his hands. “Monica is always happy to do so.” He stops and looks at me. “She is my number two.” He narrows his eyes at me, pausing and making a humming noise. “I think she will like you. Who knows how they will respond, sometimes.”
I let out a snort of disbelief. “That’s not ominous at all.”
Constantine leans back once again into his chair. The wood creaks as he shrugs. “I made them, but they develop their own personality.”
My eyes widened once again. “You’re talking about your nightmares?”
“Yeah, when I created my realm, they were connected to it. Without the realm, they would perish. So they help keep the place running.” He gives a light smile. “You’ll see.”
My skin warms. Simon hovers his hands above where the pen marks are. I look down at my wrist and forearms and see briars and thorns seem to grow along my skin. They almost appear as if they are alive as they move. Everything is different shades of gray. Black roses bloomed to life before my eyes. I raise my eyebrow. “Do I give off black rose vibes?”
Simon shrugs. “You activated a magic that I was beginning to believe was fable here at Black Rose. Along with discovering you’re a Blackthorne. It seemed like fate.” He motions up to my shoulders, “Plus, they surround your scars, growing around and camouflaging your wards.”
The sound of loud knocking stops any further conversation. “MMPS! Open the door.”
The Ministry of Magic Protection Service–MMPS has found me. The damn Ministry has their police. “Maybe that’s what you were feeling. Can’t even use the damn FPS.” Simon states, scowling as we stand up. “At least they aren’t as tedious with their searches.”
My eyebrows arch up at Simon. “You run and hide from the law often?”
“Explain later!” Constantine extends his arms and motions for me to take his hands. “Sorry, I wanted to wait until you were ready before taking you.” He motions towards the door. “Choice is yours, the Ministry, or come with me.”
I give him an unamused look before letting out a snort. “Well, that’s not much of a choice.”
He raises his eyebrows and gives a half smile as he shrugs. “It’s still a choice.” He holds out his hand.
Is it, though? Death or inpatient hospitalization is waiting outside of Simon’s home currently. I would much rather put my faith into the unknown relationship, maybe starting it right by going with him. With a nod to him, I place my hand in Constantine’s. “Thanks for springing me,” I say to Simon with a wink.
“This isn’t goodbye; it’s more of a see you later,” Constantine states.
“Not to sound cold-hearted, but please get going.” Simon snaps his fingers, and his magic explodes through the house. “All evidence is gone. Now go, I have to deal with government officials.”
Chapter ten
One second, I amtelling Simon goodbye as my heart beats so loudly from the terror of the Ministry’s police bang on the door. In the next blink of my eyes, I am falling face-first towards a dark stone floor with no way to stop myself. A scream leaves my mouth as I close my eyes. I move my hands to cover and protect my face, preparing to crash onto the floor from above. Something grabs me by the ankle, and I stop inches above the ground. I am so close to the ground, and I can almost feel the coolness of the tile against my cheek. As something pulls me back up in the air, a laugh nearly escapes out of my mouth from the feel of relief that something has stopped me from crashing face-first onto the ground. Before I can get used to the relief, my breath catches as I feel whatever has a hold of me move as it begins to wrap itself around my body. It curls around my bodylike a corkscrew before shooting us towards the ceiling. Yeah, the laughing moment is gone.
I look toward my feet and legs as a black-and-white striped, solid material begins wrapping itself around them. It tightens its grip around me like a cement casing as I move. Whatever it is, it seems to live in the ceiling and wants to devour me into itself. It wraps itself tighter around my body. My hands reach to pull my legs free. Whatever it is, it has no give. I try to rip at it with my fingernails as I thrash, but it feels like the more I am fighting it, the faster it’s pulling me towards it. It’s up past my thighs when I hear footsteps rushing towards me. “Sorry!” Constantine yells from below, waving his hands up to me. “I forgot about the security system! It’s been a while since I’ve had guests. Monica!” He yells and circles the room with around ten dark doorways leading into the circular room. “Monica!” Constantine bellows louder, and his voice echoes off the room walls.
“Is it too late to take my chances with the Ministry?” I ask as the taffy substance now secures itself around my rib cage. My breath catches as it tightens against my ribs.
“Ah! There you are!” Constantine sounds relieved as a woman approaches, her heels clicking across the tiled floor. As she moves, it almost looks like sand falls from her as she walks. There is no trail behind her. The sand seems to swirl back into her. Her black eyes assess me. There are no parts to her eye, just two eye sockets with dark voids within.
Her face turns to an unnatural angle as she smiles, causing her face to crack with each expression that crosses her face. When she isn’t moving, it looks almost perfect. Any movement seems to break and crack before it pulls itself back together, looking flawless. “Welcome back, Constantine. Do we have a guest or a snack?” The thing tilts its head, and she licks her lips, her forked tongue making it more disturbing than it needs to be. Her skincracks as her tongue treks around her mouth before patching itself back up once again, smooth like an eggshell.
“Monica, this is my daughter, Salem. Salem, this is Monica. Please,” Constantine motions to me back down to the floor. “Can you get her down?”
The taffy substance tightens on my body, squeezing me tighter than before. “Monica…” Constantine’s voice has a stern edge. How can the man be this calm?