I stroke her curving spine with my free hand. I can feel each vertebra. She’s so delicate. Definitely like a young doe, gentle and wary and sweet.

Regret claws at my heart. Her bare knees are in the dirt, and when she comes back to her senses, they’ll probably be rubbed raw from digging into the hard ground with only a layer of dried leaves for a cushion. She’ll be angry, and she’ll have every right to be. I’m the one who chose to wait here for her to go into heat. I should have taken her home to the dens.

“I have quilts at home,” I murmur as I work her with my finger. “A half dozen of them at least, and a snug den with a good pallet, and a nice oak barrel for bathing.”

She groans, grinding against my hand. I slip another finger inside her. She’s slippery and spongy, and I want to feel her gripping my cock so fucking bad, but the maidenhead has to be dealt with first, and I haven’t figured it out yet.

“Do you like elk?” I ask her, finding her little swollen pearl and circling it with my thumb. “We’ve got a herd up by the camp. I’ll bring you a nice fat cow.”

She moans, and her thighs quiver. She’s about to come. I hope she forgives me for what I’ve got to do next.

“You won’t even have to skin it. I’ll do everything,” I promise her. “This next part might hurt, but don’t be scared. It’ll be quick.” I give her time to complain, but she only grinds harder, so I slide another finger into her and scissor them, breaking that thin band of flesh.

She shrieks, bucking her hips, and then she groans again, loud and long, as her pussy squeezes my fingers. She’s coming. Holy shit. My chest lightens. I’m doing okay.

“You’re so pretty. Be easy.” I hush her, running my palms down her back. Her skin is as soft as a baby rabbit’s belly. I grab her waist and line my cock up with her plump, rosy slit. “I’m going to fuck you now,” I warn her, giving her another second in case she wants to tell me to wait.

Thank Fate, she drops her head to the ground, raises her hips, and says, “Do it.”

My heart soars. I sink into her, and it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. I wish I could stop time and live here, in this moment, with my mate’s pussy gripping my cock as the power of her wolf’s growls makes her ass vibrate against my thighs.

This isn’t for me, though. This is so that she knows I can give her what she needs. I focus. I want to feel her come again.

Her channel doesn’t give easy and strangles my cock. If she weren’t so wet, I’d have to fight to get inside.

“So sweet,” I mumble, doing everything I can to keep myself from shooting my seed inside her. I tense my abs and clench my ass and think about Max’s gray pubes and his limp, saggy dick while he squats at the fire to stir the embers. Still, the base of my spine begins to tingle.

No. It’s too soon.

That dead moose we found floating in the pond.

Spoiled milk.

Latrine duty.

“Shit. I’m going to come, Annie.” No. Scratch that. I’m already coming. My cum explodes from my cock with so much force behind it that if my knot weren’t already swelling, I would’ve unseated myself. As it is, my knot swells with blood so quickly that I get a head rush.

Annie grows very, very still. We’re in a weird position. I’m bent over her, propping myself up on one hand so I don’t put weight on her. I don’t know what to do with my other hand.

I clear my throat. “Are you, uh, are you comfortable?”

She doesn’t answer. She’s trembling. Shit. She’s probably freezing cold, naked and sweaty outside in the middle of November.

I can do better than this. “I’m going to sit us up, okay?”

Again, she doesn’t answer, but she doesn’t protest when I wrap an arm around her waist and lift her as I sit back on my heels. She’s cradled on my lap now. Well, it’s more like she’sstuck to my lap, nailed in place by my dick, but at least she’s upright, and I can wrap my arms around her.

She’s stiff as a board, and she’s shaking so hard her teeth clatter. I lean us both to the side so I can pluck her shirt from the scattered leaves. As soon as it’s in reach, she snatches it from my hand.

I try to help her out by leaning back so she can get it on, but with the knot fusing us together, I can only give her so much room. She elbows me in the kidney as she shoves an arm into a sleeve.

I grunt, and she freezes. The insides of her thighs quiver helplessly against the outsides of mine like her muscles are about to give out. She’s exhausted.

She needs water. Why didn’t I bring any? I’m an idiot.

I rest my chin on her shoulder and rumble in her ear, breathing through my mouth so the fresh burst of her fear scent isn’t quite as bad.

“Everything will be okay,” I promise her. “The knot will go down soon, and I’ll get you something to drink, and then we’ll go to my den. You can sleep as long as you want, and I’ll throw a few elk steaks on the fire, and you can take all the time you want to make your nest.”