Never. At least, not without her. We’re mates. She’s safe now. Whatever is frightening her, I’ll kill. If I can’t, I know places where we’ll never be found. We’re going to be a family.

I don’t know much about how it works—I was so young when I lost my sire and dam—but I remember a crackling fire and thick venison steaks sizzling on the grilling grate, my sire in his fur, pretending to snatch one away, and my dam giggling. I can figure out how to make that for Annie. I can’t wait.

I scooch forward until my stomach brushes the tips of her fingers. She sighs, but thank Fate, she takes the hint and pets my belly. Her touch is hesitant. I can barely feel it through my fur, but still, it’s the best thing I’ve ever felt. My blood surges through my veins, dosing me with adrenaline. If I were in my human skin, I’d have her on her knees and be sinking into her now.

“Can you be quick?” she asks.

I don’t think I’ll have any choice in the matter. Lelia taught me tricks to last long enough to please her, but I don’t see themworking with Annie. I’m too excited. Annie is mine to keep. I won’t be alone anymore. I’ve wanted this my entire life. I’ll be lucky if I last three strokes.

I bend my neck so I can nuzzle her fingers with my nose.

“When it’s done, you’ll go. It’ll be over.” She sounds so hopeless.

Why does she worry that I’ll leave her here? Can’t she feel that this is real? We’ll both gotogether. This is just the beginning.

I roll all the way onto my back so she understands that between us, she ranks. She doesn’t need to worry. Whatever is wrong, I can fix. I can do anything for her.

Her fingers graze my sternum, hesitating at a clump of fur caked with dried goose blood. She must realize what she’s touched because she grimaces and snatches her hand away. My wolf whines.

“Will you bathe first? Please?”

Yes. Of course. Females like their males clean. I know this. I clamber to my feet. She startles. Her fear scent thickens. Even though I hate leaving her even for a few minutes, it’s good that the air will have time to clear by the time I get back. I really can’t wait until we’re bonded, so she stops going skunk on me.

My wolf races to the bank and flings himself into the rushing stream. The frigid water sharpens my mind. When I shift to human, I’m going to have to be quick. Rut is riding me, but I’m strong enough to hold it back and fuck her with care. I have to be. She’s already so skittish.

I paddle in a few circles, letting the current rinse my pelt. I’m about as dirty as I’ve ever been. I mudded myself up real good before I crossed into Quarry Pack territory to hide my scent, and I haven’t bathed since. I’ll be keeping my fur squeaky clean from here on out, though. I want her to stroke me with those clever fingers all the time. All over.

My wolf’s dick swells, which is impressive, considering that there’s already a film of ice at the river’s edge.

I need to do this before I lose the ability to control myself.

I paddle for shore, scramble out, and give myself a good, hardy shake. I’m only a few yards downstream, and I can see Annie’s nest, but with the incline, I can’t see her. She’s buried in the middle of a huge leaf pile. I trot back, careful to keep my pace nice and slow. I make lots of noise so she can’t possibly be startled again.

And then her scent hits me. It straight up punches me in the face. Full-blown heat. Spicy and yeasty and musky like a pussy that hasn’t been washed in a while. Delicious. My wolf’s throat rumbles. He yearns to taste her. Desperately.

I don’t want to let him get near her like this, but I need to see the lay of the land before I shift, and very possibly, tumble into rut. I let him creep closer and lift himself onto his hindquarters to peer over the wall of leaves.


She’s naked.


Her skirt and panties are gone. She’s got her shirt on, but it’s unbuttoned and hanging open. She’s sitting up with her butt propped on her heels. Her belly and thighs are flushed. She has a dark, wiry bush, and along her slit, the curls are wet and matted from her slick.

My wolf growls. I muscle him down, reminding him of his limits. I am not like some in the pack.Irulehim. He snuffs down the deepest breath he can manage. She still smells like fear, but the scent is overpowered by the rich tang of her wet pussy. She’s getting herself ready to take my knot.

This is the best thing that’s ever happened in my entire life.

My mate is the most beautiful female in the world.

I am the luckiest male.

A little pink tongue peeks out from the top of her slit like the meat of a clam. I can’t tear my eyes away. My mouth waters.

She’s making a strange sound, a low, hungry moan. I have to do this now.

Please, Fate, don’t let me fuck this up.