All I ever wanted.
First time I met Mona, I was at a bonfire with some guys from my fire academy class. They were looking for easy pussy, and I wouldn’t have turned it down. The girls were skewing a little young for me, though.
And then I saw Mona. She was smiling, shy and quiet, perched on a log, hiding herself beside her loud ass girlfriend. She was wearing a puffy vest and boots, dressed the exact same as every other girl there, but to me, she stood out as bright as the fire.
She seemed a little lost, a little overwhelmed, a little excited. Her face hid nothing. I couldn’t do anything but stare and stand nearby like a dumbass, nursing my beer, trying to find an opening, but her friend was too damn chatty.
Finally, Mona finished her beer and whispered something to her friend. The friend waved her off into the bushes. She had to piss. Mona wrinkled that adorable nose. Guess she didn’t like the idea of popping a squat in the woods. She sat there awhile longer, and then she whispered to the friend again, but the friend had scored herself a man, and she wasn’t budging.
Finally, Mona ventured off into the shadows. More than a few pairs of eyes followed her. A guy from my program, a real dog, made a move in her direction.
I beat him to it. I remember exactly how it went down.
I call out to her from a yard or so behind, “I don’t want you to think I’m a pervert or nothin’, but I’m gonna be here behind you at a respectful distance. I’m John Wall. My mama would whoop me if I let a woman wander around alone in the dark.”
There’s silence and rustling. I can’t see her. It’s a cloudy night.
“I’m Mona.” Her voice, soft and nervous, goes straight to my dick. “It’s really dark out here.”
“Yup. Be careful where you step.”
“I have to pee real bad.” She’s slurring her words.
“I figured.”
“I’ve never peed outside before.”
“Can’t say the same. It easier for a man, though.”
“I’m really drunk.”
“Yeah. Be careful. Maybe try to find an incline.”
“An incline?” She giggles from somewhere off in the brush.
“Yeah, you know. Face uphill.”
“Are you giving me pointers on squatting to pee?” That giggle again. So sweet. “From your vast experience?”
“Whenever I squat to piss in the woods, I find an incline. You do with that information what you will. Far be it for me to tell a woman what to do.”
She laughs, and then she comes crashing toward me, buttoning her jeans. She wasn’t lyin’ about being drunk. She was hiding it well, sitting on the log back by the fire, but she’s three sheets to the wind.
She careens into me, and I steady her with my arms. She feels amazing, warm and curvy. She rises up on her toes. “I guess I’m being ungrateful. Thank you for the advice, John Wall.”
She’s staring at my lips.
I’m basking in it all. She smells like woodsmoke and vanilla, and her tits are brushing my chest, her smile beaming at me in the dark.
I want to kiss her. I want to take her home, unwrap her like a present, and keep her smiling and giggling in my arms. But tonight, she’s drunk, and I ain’t gonna take advantage.
A frown steals across her face. Whatever caused it, I’m gonna kick its ass.
“Oh, crud. Do you know what time it is?”
I check my phone. “Eleven.”
She exhales, happy again. “Oh, good. I have another hour. I should drink some water.” She sighs and hiccups at the same time. “Actually, who am I kidding. My parents aren’t waiting up. I’ll be fine.”