“Oh. Um. Thanks. I, uh. Let me get my shoes on. I’ll come get it.”
My chest tightens. No. That door’s half open. She’s done her hair. That’s not how this is goin’ down.
I stride forward with purpose, and she puts on her brave face. Fuck that.
I said if I ever got a chance with her again, I’d speak my piece. I wouldn’t keep on, keepin’ on, and let everything fall apart around me.
“Mona, I want to come in the house.”
She firms that cute, pointy chin. “Did you leave something?”
“Yeah, I left something.” If she’s gonna be dense, I’m gonna be blunt.
I take a step, and like most people, she gives way. So I take another. We’re in the foyer now. “I left a pretty girl with the sweetest smile who was happy to be curled up next to me. Where’d she go?”
I squint into the corners, playing around. Her mouth twitches at the corner before the shadows reappear in her eyes. “You got the ring. Thank you. We’re…even. You don’t have to hang around.”
My gut sours. “This ain’t about being even.”
“It’s not?” Her voice is breathy. Hopeful. Scared.
“Let me back in, Mona.”
She shoots a glance behind me at the door. “You’re already in.”
“Allthe way in. I promise, I ain’t gonna fuck things up again.” I hold up the ring.
The look on her face is the scariest shit I’ve ever seen. Pain. Fear. Grief. Resignation. And then she really looks at the ring.
“It’s pretty.”
And then she really looks at me.
“I’m scared.”
I almost say don’t be. I almost say I won’t let anything bad happen. Instead, I say, “Me, too.”
She takes the ring. “I’ll put this in my purse. Miss Janice is going to be so happy.”
I follow her into the kitchen, and as soon as she’s zippered it into her wallet, I swing her into my arms and head for the stairs.
“What are you doing?” She lets herself smile. She knows what I’m doin’.
“I’m fixin’ to make you happy.”
She giggles and halfheartedly tries to wriggle loose. She’s a good, solid armful, but she’s got no chance against me.
“Put me down.”
“I will.” I haul her to the bedroom, dumping her on the bed. She bounces. Those beautiful tits bounce, and those soft wavy curls. She’s full blown smilin’ now. There’s a little eagerness beginning to glow in her eyes.
That’s my girl.
You know, thinkin’ about it, there weren’t any tire tracks in the snow, and there was still a dusting of snow on the roof of her car. She didn’t go to the pharmacy while I was gone.
My chest floods with warmth as I take her mouth and settle between her legs. She softens under me, lets me in. I taste her, tangle with her tongue, breathe in her scent. I can’t describe how good it is. It’s Mona.