Page 34 of Wall

“Yeah. I’m gonna go see if he’s still got it.”

“I’m sure it’s a wild goose chase.”

“Maybe so. I’m still gonna go after it. But I want something in return.”

My lower belly clenches. “What?”

“I want to take you out.”

I must look as befuddled as I feel.

“On a date,” he clarifies. “We get dressed up. I pick you up at seven.”

“John, you don’t have to do this.” I’m starting to feel self-conscious. I go to cross my arms, but he grabs my hands. Raises them to his lips. Brushes kisses across my knuckles.

“I don’t want you to get me wrong. I want your pussy. So bad, baby, it fuckin’ hurts. But I don’t want to break anything ‘cause I put more strain on it before it’s ready. I want to buy you a steak, Mona Wall. I want to hear about your day. I want you to blow your hair into curls again for me, and wear those fancy shoes with the heels that you keep in the box.”

“I lent them to Lorraine, and she didn’t give them back.”

“Then go barefoot. Just say yes.”

This is crazy. It’s all crazy.

John squeezes my hands.

“Okay,” I say.

He flashes me the biggest, brightest smile. And then he rises to his feet, helps me up, and guides me to the bed.

I perch on the edge, and he drops a kiss on my forehead.

“Remember how we’d be makin’ out in your basement, and I’d get up all of a sudden and bail?”

I nod, my lips curling up.

“’Cause I knew if I stayed another second, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from burying my cock in your pussy.”

My face flames. John always did have a mouth on him.

“I’m gonna see myself out now, baby. But I’m gonna be back tomorrow with a ring.”

He turns to leave but he stops in the doorway, filling it with his broad shoulders. “And so we’re clear. This ain’t me leaving.”

“It’s not?”

“Nope. ‘Cause I guess you don’t know this, but my heart’s right there.” He nods to where I sit on the bed. “Has been since I first laid eyes on you.”

My chest floods with warmth, and worry follows closely behind. I fidget, fiddle with the comforter, plucking a loose thread.

John never used to say things like this. “Love you, babe” was pretty much the extent of his sweet-talk. I don’t know what to make of all this.

“I’m lockin’ the door after me, and I’m closing that window over the kitchen sink. You don’t keep that unlocked at night, do you?”

Now that sounds more like the John Wall I knew.

“I do. Made a blinking arrow and a sign that saysThieves, Enter Hereout of Christmas lights, too. You’ll see it if you go out the back door.”
