Page 18 of Wall



“Yeah.” I remember the other man, the scarier one. “Be careful when you go. Tommy had another man with him. There was a girl, too. The other guy was a real shady character.”

“Might could take me, could he?”

I slide John a glance. His lip is kicked up at the corner. He knows he’s as big as a linebacker.

“Take someone with you anyway. I think he’s just a punk kid, but if he’s high…” Crap. What if he has a gun? What if there are more guys at his house now? Maybe this isn’t a good idea.

John lays a heavy hand on my knee. “I’ll be careful. I’ll take a few brothers. Ask around beforehand. I’m sure we know his crew somehow. It’s a small town. No worries.” He squeezes, and then he takes his hand away.

My knee is warm, warmer than it should be from such a brief touch. I stare for a few seconds at the muddy slush around the snow-dusted fire pit.

“Thank you, John.”

An errant gust of wind stirs up the snow, flinging crystals to tickle my nose. Closer to the clubhouse a door slams, and a woman shrieks with laughter.

After a long moment, John says, “Your chocolate cake would be nice for dessert.”

Then he stands, walks me to the parking lot the long way, around the building instead of through, and opens the door of my car. He can barely wedge his bulk in between my little economy-sized vehicle and the truck next to it.

“What’s this?” He’s noticed the dent Tommy Merrill left in the side. There’s suspicion in his voice.

“Bird.” It’s the first thing I can think of. He seems serious enough about dealing with Tommy. I don’t want him to go in with guns blazing.


“Yup. A bird flew into my car.” I’m a terrible liar.

“Like the Road Runner?” Of course, John doesn’t believe me. His mouth is turned down, but his eyes are twinkling. My traitorous belly flips.

“Meep, meep.” I click my seat belt and ease into reverse. “What time tonight?”



He gently shuts the door and steps back. In my rearview, I see him watch me until I pull out onto the highway, a giant in clingy white shorts and a neon-orange puffy jacket, towering in a parking lot full of oversized trucks.

He looks amazing.

Larger than life.

I’m in so much trouble.



“They chased her to her car.” Forty squats, eyeing the tracks in the snow.

I figured that out already. This fucker’s gonna die. Snowplow hasn’t come through, yet, so you can see the tire marks where Mona fishtailed as she bolted.

This fucker’s gonna die slow.

I tighten my grip on the pipe wrench. I’ve got my piece in a side holster, but for close quarters, I prefer hand tools.