Page 2 of Lora


When I’d heard through the island grapevine about what had happened at Lora’s house, my blood chilled. A lunatic had broken in and was threatening her best friend Kali, who herself had only been back on the island because he almost killed her when they were married on the mainland.

It was hard to keep my cool when I heard, especially because if I seem overly interested in Lora it will get around that we are having some sort of affair or other and it simply isn’t true. Despite me wanting her every day since she first walked into the sanctuary with her CV, her brown hair tied up high on her head, wearing a white T-shirt tucked into blue jeans.

Her smile lit the whole place up and she seemed knowledgeable beyond what I’d expected from a veterinary nurse. It was easy to see she was perfect for the role, assisting me in the day to day running of the vet clinic and the sanctuary. No job was too big for her, there’s nothing she wouldn’t do. And it wasn’t long before we slipped into a wonderfully easy routine helping all kinds of animals that call the island home. We have such a comfortable rhythm, it’s almost like a dance. A wonderful, slow, romantic dance.

Mr Simpkins arrives with Jessop, an over-excited border terrier that owns a piece of my heart. ‘I just don’t know what to do with him,’ Mr Simpkins says, the frustration evident in the crease of his brow. ‘I’ve tried everything, I need a specialist.’

I raise an eyebrow. It’s unprofessional of me, but I lack the filter that most professionals learn at school.

Never show your displeasure to a client.

Keep all personal opinions to yourself.

‘Mr Simpkins, it’s important to bear in mind that Jessop is still a puppy. What can we do for you today?’

‘I want him fixing,’ he barks.

‘You mean neutering?’ I clarify bringing up Jessop’s record on the computer. ‘Unfortunately, he isn’t quite old enough, but I can book you in for four weeks.’

‘I won’t have any doors left in four weeks!’ he shouts. ‘You’ll have to keep him here until he is done.’ Mr Simpkins turns on his heel and storms out of the clinic just as Lora rounds the corner from the back.

‘What on Earth was all that about?’ she asks, her eyes landing on Jessop who has his head tilted adorably to the side.

‘Mr. Simpkins seems to have relinquished care of his dog to us,’ I say. ‘Until he can be neutered.’

Her eyebrows flicker up. ‘Can he do that?’

‘There are papers that need to be signed. But if he is willing to pay the boarding fee, I don’t see why not.’

Lora whistles and Jessop leaps up and bounds to her. She plucks a treat from her pocket and kneels to hold out her hand to him. He takes the treat from her eagerly and immediately gobbles it down before leaping onto her knee. She scratches him behind his ears and a warm feeling that I’ve begun to associate with Lora fills my chest.

‘I think I’m okay with that,’ she says, laughing as Jessop licks and nips at her hand