Page 18 of Corrupt Me

He handed me my receipt. “When you’ve worked here for two years, you start to be able to spot the rookies. I’m Brody.”

“Everly,” I supplied politely. “So, you’re a junior I take it?”

He nodded. “Humanities major.”

I shoved the receipt into my back pocket. “Well, it was nice to meet you, Brody.”

With a teasing grin, he handed me my Vietnamese iced coffee. “Hope to see you around, Everly.”

“Oh, you will,” I assured, holding up my drink and giving him a sweet smile in return. “I’m addicted.”

“Isn’t everyone? Coffee is a college student’s best friend.”

This was just what I needed. A little harmless flirtation with a cute guy whose last name was not Malone. I thought. He hadn’tactually told me his last name, but it was safe to assume it wasn’t, probability and all that shit.

My steps a little lighter, I took my iced coffee and sat under an umbrella at one of the far corner tables outside. It was too nice of an evening to be caught indoors. I took a sip while I stretched my legs and leaned back against the chair. Fishing my phone out from where I stuffed it in my pocket, I sent a text to Sam along with a picture of me enjoying my first coffee at college.

Wish you were here

My phone buzzed a minute later.

Are you trying to make me jealous?

I smiled, conjuring Sam’s face, knowing how annoyed she must be having to deal with her car instead of moving into our dorm with me.

We texted for a few more minutes. Her Jeep had already been fixed, but it was too late in the day now for her to drive up and move in. She suggested coming anyway and leaving her shit in the car overnight. Sam worried about me, but I convinced her I’d be fine for the night.

I hadn’t mentioned Tristan. Not yet. Another reason it was best for her to wait. We wouldn’t be staying in that house.

I wanted to call her and unload all my aggravation and fury with the eldest Malone. It was the first thing that came to my mind, but I still had to explain my breakup with Preston. She knew we were no longer together but not the details behind the decision. I dreaded telling her. Her first reaction would be to kick Tristan’s ass, and rightly so.

Then again, Sam had been neither team Preston nor team Tristan, so maybe she would thank him. Sam always claimed Preston was too good, that he was hiding something under those glowing smiles of his.

Speak of the devil.

My phone buzzed again, and I assumed it was Sam. Nope.


I ignored his call. A moment later, a text came through, and I groaned, knowing it was him.

Can we talk?

I sighed, lifting my gaze from the phone to stare at the courtyard surrounding the coffee shop. I was already having a less-than-stellar day. The last thing I wanted to do was listen to Preston list all the reasons we should get back together. Or hear him complain about not understanding why I broke up with him. I knew Preston, and he wouldn’t let me off the phone until I gave him what he wanted.

And I just couldn’t. Not yet. And if I honestly thought about it, I might never be able to give Preston what he wanted. To be a dutiful doctor’s wife who would look lovely and charming on his arm during charity functions. The more I thought about it, the less I wanted to be that person.

Not now

I replied. I needed more time.

Time to figure out what the fuck Tristan’s deal was and how to delete those photos from his phone.

I didn’t want to admit it to Tristan, but perhaps he had done me a favor. I could use this year to figure my shit out anddiscover who or what I wanted to be. Not what everyone thought I should be.

The phone remained silent, and I didn’t have to see Preston’s face or hear his voice to know he was pouting. Preston was good at the silent treatment when he didn’t get his way.

Picking up my iced coffee, I took another long swig, needing the caffeine to calm my irritation. I should have brought a book with me, something relaxing to pass the time. It was getting close to dinner. Ishouldbe thinking about food, then I could go home, climb into bed, and curl up with that book. I definitely wouldn’t be watching TV in the common room. Avoiding Tristan tonight became my priority.