Page 8 of Corrupt Me

Tristan was known to be an ass. He couldn’t seriously mean for me to break up with Preston. I could call his bluff and do nothing.

But the ramifications that would trickle into my life if he did release the photos gave me heart palpitations.

Why would he do this?

Did he hate me that much?

If so, what did I ever do to him?

Was he jealous? Just a vindictive asshole? Was he bored? Looking for a new plaything?

My bare feet sank into the plush carpet of the hallway as I raced away from Tristan. Only two doors to go and I’d be locked behind the safety of my room. Then I planned to pack my shitand get out of this house. I needed a day or two to clear my head and think this through methodically.

With my mind spinning in a whirlwind, I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t hear Preston’s door open, not until I thudded into a hard body.Shit. I kept my eyes averted to the ground, afraid to look up and let Preston see my face. I was filled with shame, but I had done nothing wrong.

Heat colored my cheeks as an awkward silence filled the space between us. Preston’s hands were on my shoulders, steadying me, while my head continued to orbit and my fingers clung to my bra. I could tell by his scent he had recently showered, and the smell caused a pang in my chest to bloom.

“Uh, hey, Ev.” His fingers drifted down my arms in a familiar caress. “Hey,” he said again when I refused to look at him. “What’s wrong? Is this about our fight yesterday?”

Of course, he would think it was about our fight. Why wouldn’t he? It was logical, and Preston was a logical type of guy, not irrational and cruel like his brother.

I shook my head, my throat clogged with thick emotion. “It’s been a long night,” I said, my breath quivering. It was a pathetic excuse, and even I didn’t believe me.

Neither did Preston. “Look, I’m sorry about what I said. I’ve been stressed with school coming up and having to leave you.” He hooked a finger under my chin, rubbing the pads of his thumb along my jawline. Preston was good with words. He knew how to melt my defenses.

I glanced up finally and gasped. My fingers automatically lifted to the side of his face. “Preston, what happened to your eye?” With a light touch, I skimmed the purplish bruise that had formed. His eye, a beautiful shade of blue and green, was partially closed from the swelling. There was also a small cut at the corner of his lower lip.

Never in my life had I ever seen Preston with a black eye or any injury he hadn’t sustained from playing golf or lacrosse. Those brawl injuries had been reserved for Tristan.

“Oh, this. It’s nothing,” he replied, shaking off the state of his face. Sometimes it was hard to believe Preston and Tristan were brothers. It was more than their opposite personalities, but it was their looks as well. Where Tristan was dark-haired, Preston’s hair coloring favored their mother, a light brown with sunny highlights from long days on the beach. The brothers did have the same full lips, but when Tristan smiled, it was menacing as if he always had a secret he was keeping. Preston’s smile could light up a room like he drew power from the sun. Both brothers stood close in height. Tristan might have an inch on Preston. Each of them was physically fit, just in different ways.

“Did you get into a fight? Who hit you?” I ran my finger over his bottom lip.

He winced. “I said it’s not a big deal. Just drop it, okay?”

I stepped back at the sudden sharpness that leaked into his tone, my hand falling away from his face. Wow. I was done having both Malones snap at me. I wasn’t their punching bag to use when they felt prickly or testy. “I’m going home.” I moved to walk away.

He reached for my arm, preventing me from moving away from him. The lines of tension were replaced with confusion as he noticed the pink bra clutched in my hand. “What? Why? School doesn’t start for another week,” he said, not mentioning the bra.

“Exactly. I have so much to do, to pack.” I tugged at my arm.

“I’ll help you,” he offered, the grip on my arm loosening. “There’s no reason why you can’t stay here and still get everything you need boxed up. It’s not like you’ll be taking your whole room, Ev. It’s just a dorm. And I’ll help you.” Thesoftening of his voice only made this whole situation that much harder.

I didn’t want him to be nice to me or supportive.

I had to leave before I broke down and told Preston everything. The party. Tristan. The pictures. My mind still whirled. “I don’t want you to help me.”

“Are you still pissed about yesterday?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know. I just need a few days to clear my head. Okay?”

“Away from me,” he added, his aqua eyes swimming with hurt.

“Preston,” I groaned. “It’s more complicated than that.” He didn’t have any idea how messed up my life had suddenly gotten.

His brown brows furrowed. “Does this have anything to do with Tristan?”

“No. Why would it?” I quickly rushed out, my voice going up an octave as my eyes darted to the closed door down the hall.