Page 111 of Corrupt Me

I ignored how my heart picked up at Preston’s words. “He never meant to hurt you. Neither did I.”

A snort flared from his nostrils. “And yet we somehow ended up hurting each other.”

My defenses snapped into place. “I don’t want to talk about my love life with you. Actually, I’m not sure we have anything to say to each other.”

“Ev, please,” he said softly, his blue-green eyes pleading.

“Hurry and spit it out. My food’s getting cold.” I honestly didn’t care about the Chinese food. I’d lost my appetite. I just wanted to get this over with. I hadn’t expected Preston to be supportive, but I hoped he wouldn’t be mean, not after what he’d done.

Preston swallowed thickly, his Adam’s apple visibly bobbing with the movement. “Tristan told me I needed to stop gambling with your fucking life. His words exactly. He’s right. I’m getting help for the gambling.” The confession rushed out of him as if he feared I might not let him get everything he had to say off his chest.

“Good,” I stated simply. Preston wasn’t the only one who needed therapy. I should call my therapist up and schedule an appointment. It had been too long since we chatted last. “You shouldn’t do it for me but for you and the family you’re about to have,” I said, reminding him what he had at stake if he continued down this destructive path.

His eyes shifted to the floor, avoiding mine. “Do you think you’ll ever forgive me for what happened?”

Was that why he came here? To absolve his guilt? I chewed on my lip, contemplating how to respond without coming off as a total bitch. I didn’t want to stay angry at him forever. It took too much energy, and it would be easier to forgive him and move on especially with me dating his brother.

He lifted his eyes expectantly as he waited.

“I’m working on it.”

Preston nodded, his fingers running through his sandy hair. For once, he didn’t look completely polished and put together. Our eyes connected, his shoulder loosening as he exhaled.

“What about you? Are you going to be able to forgive me?” I asked. I’d slept with his brother. Hell, I’d fallen in love with him. Although I never cheated on Preston—he couldn’t say the same—and it wasn’t like I broke any laws, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling there was this morally gray line I’d crossed. But most of all, I’d hurt someone I’d cared about. That was what I regretted.

“I’m working on it.” He smiled, and I returned his with one of mine. “Do you love him?”

I thought it would be tough telling Preston the truth about my feelings. I wasn’t someone who enjoyed hurting other people, but somehow admitting what I felt for his brother lifted a burden off my chest. “I do. I have for some time.”

“I think I always knew. But I was selfish. I didn’t want to let my brother win.” He snorted pathetically at himself. “I’m sorry I treated you like a prize.”

The fact he was starting to recognize his faults had to be a step in the right direction. Perhaps getting his face rearranged knocked some sense into him. Or the severity of how close we’d all come to death shifted his ideas and what was important. “Me too. I might not have been the one, Preston, but maybe she is…if you give her a chance. She is having your baby after all.”

“Can you believe I’m going to be a father?”

I shook my head. “It’s wild, but I know you can do this. You both can.” And I surprised myself by realizing I wanted to see Preston become a dad. A good one at that because I knew he had it in him.

He sat down in my desk chair, his elbows coming to rest on top of his knees. “It hasn’t hit me yet. I need to tell my parents.”

“Do you want me to come with you?” I offered, another surprise I didn’t expect to come out of my mouth. I was full of them today.

“My parents do love you,” he said, seriously considering the offer with drawn brows, reminding me too much of Tristan’s.“Mom will be disappointed as hell when she finds out we’re not getting married. As much as I love the thought of having you there as a buffer, I think I need to do this alone.”

An almost smile touched the corners of my mouth. “Look at you growing up.”

Preston’s lips twisted, his eyes holding a hint of a sparkle I hadn’t seen in some time. “It was bound to happen even if it was sooner than I would like.”

A calmness settled over me. “You can still achieve your dreams. Life won’t end because you’re having a baby. It might get harder, but nothing’s impossible, and you are not a quitter.”

“No, I’m not,” he agreed, his spirits higher than when he’d walked in. “Thanks, Ev, for hearing me out. I probably didn’t deserve it, but I really am sorry. About everything. I never wanted you to get hurt.”

“I know.” Preston might be a selfish person, but he wasn’t cruel.

He clapped his hands on his thighs before standing. “Okay, I should go. I don’t want things to be awkward between us.”

Oddly, being friends with Preston didn’t sound bad. “Let’s give it time and see.”

He nodded. “He loves you, by the way, in case you had any doubts.”