Page 94 of His Jersey

Me: That bad?

Carlos: And tissues.

The last thing I want to do is upset Ella or be on the end of Leah’s wrath, but she knows me. They both do and can vouch for the fact that there was no Knights after-party at a club in Omaha. I was set up … and I think I know by whom.

My new truck has great pickup considering its size and I’m on and off the highway between the airport and hotel ahead oftraffic. I screech to a halt under the carport, desperate to see Ella and explain.

Instead, my father and Aston wait by the hotel’s entrance. Dad is stony-faced. Aston is on her phone, smirking.

“Son, we have to talk.”

“Yes, we do. Alone. Not with her.” I point to his wife. But I really, really wanted to discuss this with my wife-to-be first.

Aston says, “Jack, don’t be immature.”

“That’s rich, coming from you.”

My father knows enough not to have this conversation in public and gestures that I follow him to the elevator. Aston remains on her phone on the ride up to the penthouse suite.

The lo-fi song agonizes instead of calms me. When we enter the room and I close the door, my father launches right into it before I can see if Ella is still here. I pray she is.

“I know you chose thisnobodyto improve your career and not because—” Then he goes quiet.

Ella stands in the doorway to her room. Her expression momentarily crumbles and then like a tide washing away a sandcastle, it smooths over.

“Ella, he didn’t mean that,” I say.

She shrugs as if indifferent. “I know who I am and what I am to you, Jack.”

My stomach twists when the sadness in her eyes disappears, revealing nothing. No emotion. Just cool indifference.

Bark Wahlburger covers his eyes with his paws as if knowing this isn’t going to be good.

Ella steps closer, accusation spiking her every word. “I saw the video from the other night. Glad you got to have a little fun before you had to come back here and take care of me.”

“I didn’t have fun and I didn’t have to take care of you, I wanted to.” Gazing into Ella’s eyes, I all but beg her to believe me.

Aston wrinkles her nose and peers into the room Ella emerges from. “I knew it. They have separate rooms. The Puck Princess is a fake.”

Ella rounds on her. “Why are you trying to interfere with our relationship?”

Aston cocks a hip. “Because I know it’s not real.”

Ella counters, “And yours is?

Aston, towering over Ella in heels, says, “So you admit it.”

Ella lengthens her spine and says, “I didn’t bait anyone, baby.”

At those words, my father’s wife somehow shrinks. “Well, you only have a bit part in the show. I’m the real star.”

Ella rolls her eyes. “I’m out. Good luck with the drama, Jack.”

“Ella, wait,” I call.

She shakes her head and goes into the room, but I catch the door before she slams it.

“I would like to talk about this.”