MarshaSimmons: How wonderful to hear about theCoffee Loft! Also, terribly sad about Sandra. Her memorial service is Saturday at four p.m. Please consider contributing a food or beverage. Message me for details.
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When Leahand I reach the town square, my list of who’s who has gotten longer and I’ve also learned that Cobbiton hosts the “Cornament,” a corn-themed contest as well as the Christmas Market, which reminds me of our other task today: house-shopping.
Leah says, “Don’t look now, it’s Nancy Linderberg. She’s the self-appointed head of the Cobbiton Activities Commission—the CAC. Everyone wants her ousted. She’s also among our local busybodies, being Mrs. Gormely’s top informant, so be careful what you say around her.”
So far, I’ve liked everything I’ve seen about Cobbiton, but then I remember that small towns also come with their downsides, like everyone knowing your business. Hopefully, my Puck Princess status hasn’t followed me here.
Bark Wahlburger lets out a low growl.
“Good morning, Nancy,” Leah calls with a friendly wave, showing me that it is better to smile first and strike later in this instance.
“Hello,” she says flatly. “Why haven’t you been returning my calls?”
“Because I don’t need to get The Happy Hockey Days event approved by you. That’s up to the town officials.”
“But the CAC deals with activities.”
“I understand that, but even though you didn’t want to collaborate and work together to move forward with the event, that’s not going to stop it from happening.”
“We represent the people.”
“I went door to door with a questionnaire. Eighty-five percent of our residents were in favor of the Happy Hockey Days event. That’s a majority, so it’s happening.”
“You and your hockey friends can’t just move in here and take over.”
“We’re not taking over. We’re hosting a weekend-long celebration of all things hockey and winter during the lull between holidays. You still get Christmas and the Fourth of July.”
Nancy snipes, “One of the hockey wives took over the Easter egg hunt this year.”
“That’s because you said there wasn’t enough funding for the traditional egg hunt. For the record, it was also those hockey families who stepped in and donated large sums to keep the Christmas fund afloat.”
Nancy scowls like she doesn’t like these truths.
Leah says, “If I’m not mistaken, you got into some legal hot water recently. It would be a shame if it came out that some of the CAC funds were diverted to help with your expenses.”
“Are you threatening me?” Nancy asks.
“No, I’m just encouraging you to remain honest.”
Nancy mutters something and then turns to me as if fearing I’m a lawyer. But then her expression washes with relief. “I’m Nancy Linderburg. Head of the CAC.”
“I’m Ella.”
She huffs. “The Puck Princess. What’s this place coming to?”
“By my estimates, the introduction of hockey has strengthened community ties, enhanced youth extracurriculars, and brought an incredible tax base for improvements to Cobbiton’s infrastructure, plus a few new shops,” Leah says smartly.
Nancy storms off, making me think she doesn’t like change, especially if it means she’s no longer the queen bee.
“Sorry about that.”