I lean over to show Jack the email on my phone.
He says, “You must have a fan club.”
“Very funny. You didn’t have to do this.”
“Technically, Carlos did it. You can give him a hard time later.”
Thinking about his sister Leah, I reply, “I don’t think I’d mess with the Smith family.”
“You’re a wise woman and they’re good people to have in your corner.”
After glimpsing the text from Allain last night about Jack’s “distraction,” I want to be in his corner, but is he in mine? I didn’t mean to read it, but I’d dozed off in the SUV and when his phone brightened, I roused and saw the comment about me being a distraction. He didn’t reply.
Since leaving the life I knew for over two decades, being stranded on the island, and having to scramble to survive, I’ve felt discarded, but being a distraction almost feels worse.
I remind myself that this is a fake relationship.
Then why does it feel so real every time we kiss?
In the latest episode ofLifestyles of the Rich and Famous: Bouchelle Edition,while punctuality is important, I don’t get the sense that speaking out of turn is paramount, but I’m not part of that world, as Aston made very clear. Allain too. But what about Jack?
Clearing my throat, I take a risk and say, “I don’t want to be a distraction in your life. Not from hockey. Not from your family.”
“A distraction from hockey? No, you’re an enhancement.”
My cheeks warm. “I don’t see how that’s possible.”
“Next week, I’m going to play better than I ever have. It’s a guarantee. Wait and see.”
“You’re just being boastful.” I slit my eyes, challenging him, but I cannot resist the upturn of my lips. He was right. I do like to smile … at him. Realizing this turns the insides of my cheeks pink if such a thing were possible—and everywhere else too.
“As for my family, you made dinner the other night colorful. Lately, if Aston isn’t on her phone, she and I are bickering. If she is on her phone, Dad is reviewing the P&L.”
“But I don’t want to be your rebellion against your father.”
“As childish as you saw me act, that’s not what this is. Promise.”
Right. This fake relationship is to enhance his career and dig me out of debt. Jack made good on his word and now it’s my turn.
Practically pleading now, I say, “You gave me a minute to catch my breath?—”
His gaze snaps up from where he was studying my hand. Bookmark that for later because they’re nothing special. A little pudgy around the knuckles. Jack says, “There’ s a but coming.”
He’s not wrong. Letting out a breath, I say, “But I’m not part of your world.”
“Says who?” The question is like one of those earth-boring machines and drills down past my thoughts and into the cavern of my heart.
Jack slides his palm into mine. “I have a good feeling about this.” His eyes do that sparkling thing as he draws our joined hands to his mouth and kisses the back of mine. “Jack and the Puck Princess. Maybe that’s what I’ll name my next yacht.”
“You cannot name a yacht that.”
“You can name a yacht anything you want.”
I laugh. “It needs to sound proper like Carpe Diem or The Navigator.”
“On the contrary, naming boats is meant to be funny. Jack be Quick was almost christened Big Boaty.”
I giggle. “Like booty? That’s hilarious and so wrong”