While not everyone appreciates what the professional hockey team has brought to Cobbiton since they relocated from Omaha, they do perform weekly service activities, do meet and greets, and have single-handedly saved the Christmas Market.
At the next town hall, we will be discussing the addition of The Happy Hockey Days Festival, proposed by our very own
LeahSmithas a wintertime event. Please come and voice your support.
In the meantime, if you see Jack Bouchelle, tell him the Corn Husker is his number one fan!
BarrySmeltz: Speak for yourselfBruceLowe. I’m tired of hearing about hockey. I wrote a book calledAttack of the
Voalcan Armyand it’s available now!
LeahSmith:Thank you for the shout out!
MelissaGriffinWallace: Vince wants me to tell you that he thinks Badaszek has lost his mind.
TaylorTipton:Actually, it’s a genius move on Tom Badaszek’s part. If rumors are true, he’s had his eye on Jack Bouchelle for a while and was waiting for the right moment.
MelissaGriffinWallace:Vince wants me to ask you if by right moment you mean how Jack is playing erratically and ignoring assists.
TaylorTipton:Mark my words. He’s taking us to the Finals.
MelissaGriffinWallace: Vince says that it’s doubtful.
BillMatusko: Crushed dreams
TaylorTipton: Trust Badaszek. The rule of Knights Nation knows what he’s doing.
SophiaSnodgrassSchuster: I heard the toy store is having a sale soon! Visit downtown!
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Looking for love? Find it between the pages of a book. Once Upon a Romance is the premier (and only) game in town for readers (aside from the library). Fresh off the ice, we have new hockey romcoms just in!
Leah dragsme down an alley and nerves splinter in my belly, but we come out on another street that’s more lively with couples, families pushing strollers, and people walking dogs.
“All I know about Aston, aka @QueenAston, aka Mr. Bouchelle’s new wife, is that she’ll be the only one who’ll care whether you’re wearing Dolce & Gabbana or Dior. But since you’re the new girl on the block, you can also set trends they didn’t see coming. So we’re going to skip the snobby designers and head to the local boutiques, giving you a high-end but down-home look that’s perfect for a hockey wife.”
“We’re not married.”
“Not yet,” Leah says.
Instead of going to another luxury shop or boutique, we stop at the department store the woman at the first shop mentioned. Leah gets a cart and tosses things in it, including some toothpaste.
“What’s that for?”
“Carlos said you traveled light. But don’t distract me from spending other people’s money.”
I laugh, but it abruptly stops when we round a corner and two women block the aisle.
“Excuse us, coming through,” Leah says kindly.
They’re wearing Carolina Storm jerseys and don’t move.