He must read the hesitancy in my expression. “You want rock-solid evidence? I don’t usually flaunt my last name—okay, I do all the time—but come inside and I’ll verify my identity.”
“I can’t. Shouldn’t.” Too much is on the line.
“I won’t let anything happen.”
Once more, he takes my hand. With his fingers twined in mine, I feel secure, but I still question whether this is a trick. I was wearing Halloween pajamas this morning. Then again, Jack is a real treat. However, my heart has lied to me before.
Bark Wahlburger trots behind us and perches on the side of the mermaid fountain as if contemplating whether to try to snap at the streams of water.
We reach the front desk, a massive swath of marble cut to look like a wave on its side. The front panels glow like oversized backlit gems. Crystal pendant lights overhead sparkle, making the check-in experience a transition from regular life into a tropical water world.
It’s quiet except for the tinkle of non-intrusive music and the trickle of the mermaid fountain.
Yvonne straightens when she spots Jack approaching. “Hello, Mr. Bouchelle.” She wrinkles her nose at the dog who sits at his heel. “I see you brought a guest?”
Jack looks at her with thinly masked displeasure.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again. I’m Yvonne, your Premier Guest Service Associate. How can I meet your needs this evening?” She bats her eyelashes at him and doesn’t acknowledge me.
He says, “The Jewel Suite, please.”
She stammers and asks, “But we had the Ruby Room reserved for you as requested.” She glances at me as if only just registering that Jack isn’t alone.
Her conversation in the break room comes back to me. Yvonne and Minka speculated that the owner’s son would be visiting soon … and that he’s a player, picking a woman for a weekend fling when he visits. My mind scrambles. I glance at the fountain, regretting that I hadn’t been wishing for the truth all this time.
She asks, “Did the Ruby Room fail to meet your expectations?”
“It was perfect. The perfect surprise.” Jack slides his gaze to me and wears a private smile. “The Jewel will be for Ella’s accommodations tonight.”
She looks at me with disdain. “But that’s only for elite guests. Pets aren’t permitted.”
His nostrils flare. “She’s the elitest and Bark Wahlburger is an exception.” He winks at me and then ruffles the fur on the dog’s head.
My jaw wants to hit the floor in shock and, at the same time, my lips are eager to burst into laughter. I’m quite the opposite of being theelitest—notwithstanding that there’s no such word. At least I gained something from myelitedegree.
Yvonne opens and closes her mouth a few times.
Jack inclines his head ever so slightly as if to ask what’s taking so long.
She taps away on the computer’s keyboard and then passes him a key.
He doesn’t take it. “It’s for Ella.”
She looks at me for a long, long moment as if unsure whether I belong or that I seem vaguely familiar. The wigworks wonders because even Edwina has walked by me and not done a double take.
To her credit, Yvonne maintains her professionalism, hands me the key, and says, “If there’s anything we can do to enhance your stay, please ask. We welcome you to Jewel Island and hope it’s your first memorable visit and certainly not your last.”
It’s the same spiel the front desk workers have to give everyone. But this isn’t my first visit. Not by a long shot. I take the key and feel like if I use it, it’ll unlock my future.
My mind reelsfrom everything Ella told me, including her name. I knew Jasmin was an alias, and now I understand why.
If my father is the king of cunning, she’s the queen of clever and resourceful and hardworking and loyal … and beautiful. The only thing different about her since the first time I saw the pretty woman at the Beachside three years ago is that she’s missing the ruby heart necklace.