“It’s a super yacht.”
Jittering with anxiety, I cannot glean why this is important. If Slater spots me … “So, it’s fast?” I ask to humor him.
Jack suppresses a smile and nods slightly. “And it’s mine.”
The nerves freeze like in a game of tag. Eyes narrowed, I shake my head slowly. “Are you teasing me? Insulting me? Listen, I just told you some really personal things and you think it’s okay to?—?”
Jack’s lips part and he shakes his head as if alarmed. “No, not at all. I was just trying to show you that whoever that Slater guy was?—”
“He ruined my life,” I all but sob.
“And he lied to you, Ella,” Jack says softly, resting his hand on my upper arm.
“Obviously. He told me I was special. His one and only. Then he cheated. Probably had been all along. There must be cameras surveilling the boat. He’ll find out I’m out here and, I don’t know, try to ruin my life again. I’ve been illegally living in the hotel, sneaking into rooms to stay at night and working by day, if that weren’t clear. He could have me thrown in jail.”
Once again, Jack’s voice drops. “No, I will find him and destroy him.”
“You have really big muscles, but Slater is so wealthy, he probably has lawyers that have lawyers.”
Jack starts walking back the way we came along the dock. “Come on, I’ll prove it to you.”
“Prove what?” I call, catching up and relieved to be leaving the dock.
He pauses, gaze landing on mine and then very slowly, enunciating each word, he says, “Ella, I’m the billionaire’s son.”
I should dive into the ocean and swim away from this madness right now.
It must be a rich kid thing—they think they’re all billionaire’s sons. I mean, they probably are, but I must have an invisible sign blinking over my head that only people who have ninezeroes in their bank accounts can see. It says,Gullible, gullible, gullible!
When we reach the entrance to the property, I go still, refusing to take another step. Slater probably realized I’ve been staying here, hired Jack to lure me in, and now they’re going to expose me. I’ll be hung on the gallows or whatever they used to do to pirates.
“I can’t go in there.”
Jack exhales through his nose. “I’m not lying to you, Ella. I’m Jack Bouchelle. Allain Bouchelle’s son. Billionaire property tycoon. He owns Jewel Island.”
“I don’t know the owner’s name. You could’ve made that up.”
“My mother’s name was Jewel. He said she was his greatest treasure.” Jack rolls his eyes.
I bunch up my hands. “Aww. That’s kind of sweet.”
“At the grand opening of every resort, he’d gift my mom a gemstone. For this one, he gave her a rare red diamond. Said it was as precious to him as her heart.”
“That’s romantic.”
“Never thought of him that way. More like cunning, cold. But this hotel was her favorite, and that’s why I return to it every year.”
My voice drops when I realize what he means. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
He nods. “It’s not the same without her.”
“My mom passed away when I was little, so I know, but ya know, don’t know. Now I’m not making sense, but this doesn’t either.” My tone is frantic and during the court case, this will surely be used as evidence of my guilt.
Jack draws me toward him, but I stop short of a hug because I don’t trust myself not to melt into his arms.
“Thanks for sharing that with me and for telling me the truth.”
However, doubt that he’s telling me the entire story prick at my mind. Slater duped me once. Maybe this is a repeat with Jack.