Page 19 of His Jersey

“No, I like it. I mean, it’s natural.” And that was one of the many things about her—she was so real, genuine, very much herself, even though I still don’t know her real name.

I whisper, “Jasmin. It can’t be.”

She nods, then tips her head from side to side.

I ask, “Did you know this was my suite or?—?”

Holding up her hands as if approaching a large animal—and a medium-sized one given the dog—she carefully says, “No, nothing like that. I don’t know who Aston is and I’m not sure what you meant about a game or anything else you said. I just, um, needed a place to sleep.”

I regard the bed like a sailor who’s been out to sea far too long. She follows my gaze and sighs as if she knows the fatigued feeling well. “Yeah, me too, but can you explain?”

Glancing at the clock, she says, “Maybe later?”


“No. This is humiliating. I should officially spend the rest of my life in a hermitage—whatever that is.”

My lips quirk with laughter. “Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.”

She squawks a laugh as if that’s absurd and pulls her wrist out of my hand. I hardly realized I was still holding it, though now I’m chilly like I’m on the ice without my uniform.

I bite my lower lip, unable to quell my smolder. “So later? Goldilocks, meet me for dinner.”

She rapidly shakes her head, eyeing the door like a cornered but very cute animal. “I can’t.”

Concern ripples across my features and I take a step closer. “Are you in trouble? Hiding from someone?”

She blurts, “Yes. No. Kind of.”

Decreasing the space between us, I incline my head, ready to take down anyone in this world who so much as thinks about touching a hair on her head. I’m not sure where the carnal rage comes from, but I dare anyone to cross me.

She presses her fingers to her face. “I would like a full Halloween costume—mask included—because my cheeks have never been redder.”

Breezing past her comment, my expression sharpens. “Listen, I can help you. Whatever you need?—”

“No, it’s not like that. Much. However, I do live in fear of whenever Slater returns to the island, which could be any day now. Thankfully, I haven’t heard another word about the son of the billionaire gracing us with his presence, but I’m ever vigilant.” She squeezes my biceps as she continues to ramble before her lips fall slack.

I chuckle. Not going to lie, I like having this effect on her. “I think we could both use coffee for this conversation.”

“Your intimidating muscles would’ve come in handy after Slater and I had a blowout argument and I ended up with a broken finger. It gets achy ahead of a rainstorm.”

“Who? He what?”

Bark Wahlburger growls in warning. That’s my boy!

I run a palm up her arm and grip her shoulder. “If there is anything I can do?—”

At my continued touch, the heat in her cheeks spreads like wildfire through the rest of her body. Or maybe it‘s me that’s burning up. She wears a foggy expression and her heart pounds. Or perhaps that’s mine.

“You don’t have to do that. Everything is fine. Fine-n-dandy-o.” Her mouth forms a circle and she glances at the bed as if wondering if she can crawl underneath. “The clock is ticking and I can’t be late. I’m so close to my raise.”

“Dinner, please? Same thing as last time,” I say, my voice scratchy.

She hesitates for a long beat. “Fine. I can’t say no to a burger and milkshake. Fries, too.”

I chuckle. “Using me for a meal and not my charming personality and good looks?”

“It’s the puppy dog eyes.” She gestures to Bark Wahlburger. “They tipped the scales.”