Page 78 of His Jersey

I fan my face.

“Ella, what’s wrong?”

“Just overheating.”

He adjusts the cooling vent over our heads.

All this time, I figured I’d be going back to the resort at some point, but now that it’s happening, I’m having second thoughts. Island Fever sets in even though we haven’t even touched down yet.

He changed his mind midway to Nebraska. Like anunwanted letter, he’s returning to sender. My wicked stepmother is myself, given the poor choices I’ve made in men.

A hand grips my shoulder, drawing me back in the seat.

“Ella, we’re landing soon,” Jack says.

I nod, unable to face him, but as the plane descends, so do my emotions. Before we say goodbye, I have to tell him my truth.

Finding my voice, I say, “These last few days have been phenomenal. A real bright spot in my life. You’ve been kind and generous and?—”


“I understand that we’re not on the same page. That we’re from different worlds. But I’ll never be able to trust myself again if I don’t say this … There have been times when I’ve felt like what’s going on between us means something. I want to be mad at you for putting me in this situation, but to be honest, I bear the responsibility by saying yes. However, I’ve lost track of where being your fake girlfriend ends and real feelings begin. I have to know, at any point, did you feel the tiniest bit of chemistry? Maybe a spark. Please don’t tell me it’s all been in my head. I mean, do tell me because I need to know the truth. But?—”

The airplane touches down with a jolt and we speed toward a stop. Jack already unbuckles his seatbelt and draws me into his arms.

“Ella, Ella, Ella,” he repeats.

I want to melt into him and find refuge, but I can’t give myself over.

Jack leans back and wipes away a tear I didn’t realize I’d shed.

“I know this is goodbye, but was all of it in my imagination?” I ask.

He shakes his head and then nods before pressing his forehead against mine.

I’m practically speaking against his lips when I say, “The last time I did this, I got burned, and not just by the sun.”

Then he presses a kiss to my lips. It’s the sweetest and I’m certain it’s the last one.

I hastily gather my things and then disembark from the plane. He follows me. Probably to warn Yvonne to keep an eye on me so I don’t sleep in a suite or villa.

Her comments about his weekend flings wave like a red flag. Maybe he lengthened the period to a full week. Lucky me. I remind myself that I have a history of being fooled and not to make this into anything it’s not. This is nothing more than an extended fling.

Jack’s hand clasps mine, but instead of going to the resort itself, he leads me to the beach. Oh, right, this is where I live, in a giant sandbox.

Welcome home, Ella.

Bark Wahlburger dashes into the sand, kicking it everywhere before playing chase with the slowly lapping waves. There’s a bunch of red stuff near the waterline. Pink stuff? Maybe an algae bloom? Jellyfish?

“Are the turtles okay?” I rush toward the water’s edge and stop short.

Inside of a massive flower petal heart spelled out with sea shells are the wordsWill you marry me?

I slouch, wishing I felt happier for whatever lucky couple recently agreed to spend their lives together. When I turn around, Jack is on one knee, holding open a white velvet box.

“Ella, this is for you. I am for you.” His blue-eyed gaze holds mine.

Time slows down. My vision blurs.