He has the nerve to wink at me.
“I asked about the catch.” I tug on the hem of the jersey he asked me to wear so I can give it back to him, but it gets caught in my hoop earrings and for a second, it’s like I’m trapped in a toilet paper roll.
Jack’s lips quirk. “Or maybe this shallow attempt to bolster my career is actually a feeble way to spend more time with?—”
Before he finishes, Carlos appears with Bark Wahlburger and a woman by his side with the same dark hair but smoother and longer. Not wanting any more trouble, I start to rush off.
Jack hustles after me. “Ella, wait. I can explain more.I only really understood when I was out there. Just stick with me until after the party. Please?”
I think about how much he’s paying me and how it’ll help my situation.
He adds, “And Carlos’s sister is here. I have to go to the debrief—not that it matters—and shower. Then I’ll meet you. Also, I’d kiss you on the cheek, but I’m really sweaty.”
I purse my lips, not wanting to kiss him right now. Much. I mean, he does look attractive in a post-workout way with his damp hair in his eyes. I also briefly fantasize about him scooping me up and carrying me in his arms the way he did when I refused to enter the Jewel Suite. Then he’d skate around and the wind would cinematically blow back my hair. Then our gazes would lock and …
“Please wait for me.” He kisses me on the cheek anyway, then hurries off with Carlos at his heels.
I want to hate the impression his lips made on my skin but can’t bring myself to wipe it off.
Skating sources have been chattering about @JackBouchelleOfficial and “The Jersey.”
Given his playboy reputation, scads of women sport his jersey to games, but he’s never asked someone to wear his number.
When an unidentified woman appeared in the VIP box at the game between the Carolina Storm and the Nebraska Knights, she had fans atwitter at the number ten stitched on her back. Speculation flew through the arena and only intensified when he blew her a kiss after scoring one of only three goals for the team.
Newly dubbed the “Puck Princess,” rumors circulate about where they met, how long they’ve been a couple, and whether it’s serious. However, social media is sparse with evidence of this blossoming love affair with a whopping zero images of them together, only prompting the gossip mill to churn out wild conspiracies.
Some say she’s angling to take over the family empire, but without a socialite history, there’s no proof to support this claim. However, if this is true, @QueenAston, forty years her husband’s junior and Jack’s stepmother, better keep an eye on her crown.
Notoriously public about his flings, Jack has been keeping this one private. We want to see him return to glory on the ice. Could this be an indicator of his pending retirement or a distraction from the change of direction, perhaps to another team? Let’s hear from you, hockey fans. Comment below.
@NumberTenFanNumberOne: Stop trying to stir up controversy.
@GoldefortheGoal: You could just unfollow this account
@JeremySP: I heard that the Knights have had their eyes on him for a while.
@WriterOnTheStorm: That would be a losing move. Cut the fat. Get rid of Jack.
@GoldefortheGoal: Stop with the hate @WriterOnTheStorm
@NumberTenFanNumberOne: That. 100%
@TiffOnFleek: You guys don’t know @QueenAston. She’s one of the sweetest, most genuine, beautiful people. She didn’t ask to be brought into this. #ShowSomeLove
@GoldefortheGoal: Is she paying you to comment @TiffOnFleek? If so, be sure to use #SponsoredContent to comply with FDC rules.
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