I throw off my seat belt and wrap myself around Jack. My entire body shakes with shock and relief. Through a sob, I say, “I love you.”
When we part, my face scrunches up. “Wait, is this what Leah meant about the change in the seating arrangements?”
The corner of his lip twists. “I would say so.”
Bark Wahlburger licks us both with big, sloppy, happy, doggy licks.
I fan my face and ask, “Really? My dad is alive?”
“Really, truly. We had a DNA test done.”
My eyes bulge.
“I’m kidding.”
“But he recognized a photo of you and knew the whole story of your mom’s necklace, which matched what you’ve told me. I’d say we have a positive ID.”
“Jack. I cannot believe it.”
“You will when you see him.”
As the plane lands, I send up a silent prayer of thanksgiving. I don’t know what I did to receive these blessings, but I know Who to thank.
I’ve hardly letElla out of my sight for the last two weeks. It’s not because I’m afraid she’s going to get cold feet, but I don’t want her to fall over. When she and her father reunited, she nearly toppled. Meanwhile, he got to his feet shakily and took several steps before the two embraced.
He promised her that he’d be able to walk her down the aisle. Now that the day has come, I’ve never seen two people happier, or more steady. Not to mention that nothing, not even the Stanley Cup during my first season on the Knights, compares to how I feel about Ella.
I mean, it was an epic win, and I’m proud to say I’m on the team. However, this new one that she and I are starting, I’ll be on for the rest of my life. Plus, as long as we have six kids, we’ll have a starting lineup for our own hockey crew.
Carlos flits around, adjusting everyone’s tuxedos.
“Don’t be nervous. This is going to be amazing,” I say.
“It will be perfect,” he answers as if trying to convince himself.
“Then why are you so jittery?”
“I thought I was going to marry Marisol first. I placed a bet with myself.”
“That’s not how wagers work.”
“Also …”
“There’s more?” I ask with a laugh that reveals just how relaxed I feel. There are no doubts in my mind that my future is with Ella and it starts today.
Nothing is going to come between us and the wedding is going to go off without a hitch.
Carlos checks his watch. His smile turns wooden and then he rushes out of the room.
“Son,” my father’s strident voice calls.
My spirits sink. Oh, that’s what was making him jumpy.
I open the door to the private room in the chapel. Without letting him in, I say, “If you or Aston tried to dig up dirt on Ella or hire someone to interrupt the ‘Speak now or forever hold your peace’ moment?—”