“Remember when you told me about how your dad would ask me about yourone thing?”
I nod, lifting my gaze to meet Jack’s piercing blue eyes.
“My thing isn’t a thing. It’s a person. My one forever thing is you.” Jack’s eyelashes lower and his attention turns to my mouth.
My lips part, but no words come. There’s nothing to say to that other than, “You’re my one thing too.”
The space between us narrows and our lips press together in a long kiss.
The butterflies in my stomach flutter, casting away the last of my doubts. The crackling chemistry between us could detonate the state, but when Jack’s palm skims my jawline, his thumbs bracing me, the kiss slows as if we realize that there’s no threat, no rush, we can do this now, later, and forever.
When we part, his phone beeps. Jack ignores it and we kiss some more because we can.
When the kiss breaks again, I say, “My cheeseburger is getting cold.”
Jack laughs and then checks his phone, which had beeped a few more times. Eyes wide, he looks up abruptly. “Come on. We have a plane to catch.”
“Wait. What?!”
“I have to pick something up.”
“You might be used to jetting off at a moment’s notice, but a girl needs to prepare for travel.”
“You can bring your cheeseburger, fries, and milkshake with you.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Bark Wahlburger yips.
“We’ll only be gone for a few hours.”
“That’s what car rides are for. Road trips even.”
“I’ll make a playlist and get snacks next time, but this can’t wait. Carlos is meeting us at the airstrip. I’ll explain on the way.” His eyes sparkle, but in a way that I’ve never seen. Like he has a secret.
After freshening up, I tear into my bag, wondering what one brings when their fiancé gives them a moment’s notice about a flight.
I dump everything out and find the usual suspects: lip gloss, hair ties, my empty wallet … and at the bottom, the wig.
I’m not entirely sure what’s going to happen next, but I’m not going to try to make myself invisible anymore, so I toss it in the garbage can. I do bring his jersey, just in case.
Jack is on the phone with Carlos all the way to the airport. I only get one half of the conversation and it’s a lot of,Uh huhs,I sees,okays, and alternatingyessesandnoesuntil he finally concludes with, “See you there soon.”
Jack slurps his milkshake while I wait for him to explain, but he seems deep in thought. Did he forget about a game andhe’s going to drop into the arena in a parachute with me clinging to him while wearing his jersey?
Jack opens the door for me and then Carlos appears at his side and passes off a manila envelope with a little metal clasp. They salute each other and then Jack guides me into the plane.
My nerves chew through my stomach. “What’s going on?”
Jack settles back into the seat and links his ankle around mine. “Okay, here goes. I’ve been trying to find the ruby heart necklace.”
Out of habit, my fingers float to my chest between my collarbones. “Really?”
“I failed.”
The plane taxis and begins to accelerate for takeoff.
“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” My belly swoops, partly because we’re now in the air and because Jack is so thoughtful.