“How?” I asked.

“Whitlock called him this morning. He’s headed over to talk to him now. How’d it go when you met with him?”

“We talked about the allegations that were brought to my attention.”

“And? What did he have to say for himself?”

I spent the next several minutes giving Foley a recap of the conversation I’d had with Warren.

When I finished, he said, “It’s refreshing to question someone and have them respond the way he did. What you told him couldn’t have been easy for him to hear, whether it’s true or not.”

“If what I said upset him, he did a great job of not showing it. He looked … well, hurt to hear how Margot felt about some of their interactions together.”

“After talking to him, what’s your honest opinion?”

“I want to believe he’s innocent, incapable of harming Margot, let alone killing her,” I said. “He seems like a devoted husband, and the way he was with his wife when I was there suggests they have a good relationship.”

“I’m sensing a but in there somewhere.”

“It’s like the guy could pass gas, and everyone around him would smell nothing but a garden of roses.”

“Ehh, gross, but I get your meaning.”

“His responses to my questions were perfect, but after I left, I started to wonder if they were too perfect. I’ll be interested to hear what Whitlock thinks once he’s spoken with him.”

“Who came to you with allegations against Coach Warren?”

“I promised I’d keep their identities a secret,” I said.

“I give you my word I’ll keep it to myself. Won’t tell a soul, but I want to know.”

“A couple of girls on the volleyball team. They were friends of Margot’s.”

“And did they believe he’d done anything wrong?”

“They both like him, and they’ve never had an experience like Margot had.”

Foley put his truck into gear and nodded. “Thanks for confiding in me. I expect I’ll see you tonight at Sunday dinner?”

I shot him a sarcastic grin. “I can’t wait.”

He met my sarcasm and raised me with a smirk of his own, saying, “Me either.”


I pulled into the Boathouse Diner’s parking lot at one o’clock on the dot. Giovanni met me at my car, reached for my hand, and we walked together into the diner. As the hostess escorted us to our seats, someone called my name. I glanced back and saw Sebastian’s parents. They were smiling and waving us over to their table.

“Someone’s trying hard to get your attention,” Giovanni said.

“Sean and Meredith Chandler. They’re the parents of Margot’s ex-boyfriend, Sebastian.”

“I see.”

Taking the rest of the day off would have to wait.

“I’ll keep it brief, and then we’ll slip away,” I said.

We made our way over to their table, and Sean gestured to the chairs across from them, saying, “We’d love it if the two of you joined us.”