It was far too complex.

We were dealing with someone who was one step ahead of me, not two.

Plus, Tyler was gaunt. He looked like he’d topple over if someone poked him.

I thought about Karl, the man who presented himself at every turn as a person in complete control, no matter the situation. A man who never let you look under the hood. He knew things about me, but what did I know about him?


Little of his past, little of his present.

He was sleeping with Abby, in a casual way, but even if that caused a stir in Clara, it didn’t mean he had any reason to kill her for it. There was, however, something else. For everything he’d told me about his sessions with Quinn, I was sure there were things she’d said to him that he hadn’t shared.

Was it possible something about her past triggered him in some way?

And last, we had Calvin, the security officer, someone whom I wanted to be innocent most of all. In my stubbornness, I’d refused to believe he might be guilty of murder, but had I overlooked something? Take the playing card he used as a bookmark. I couldn’t ignore it, couldn't pretend it wasn't possible the cards had meaning of some kind.

As my walk came to an end, it felt like I was nowhere and somewhere at the same time. I took a seat on a bench positioned beneath a shade tree, and my phone buzzed.

Simone had sent me a text message.

Hunter was at the front gate, dropping off the files I had asked her to create on all staff members who worked at the retreat. Simone was on her way down to get them. Maybe after I perused the files, I’d have more answers.

Another text came through from Simone seconds later, this one far more worrisome. When she’d grabbed her bag on the way out the door of my bungalow, her gun wasn’t in it. She worried someone had nicked it, slipping in and out of my place without her noticing they were there.

Time was not on our side.

Knowing the walk would take Simone another ten minutes or so I leaned back and breathed in a lungful of fresh air, focusing on my surroundings, every crack, buzz, and inflection.

I made it back to my place and went through it to ensure I was alone. Hunter’s files were on the bed, and Simone had left a note saying she was going to check her room—just to confirm she hadn’t left her gun there.

I thumbed through the files and then removed my phone from my pocket. I flipped through some of the pictures I’d taken at Clara’s place the day before. The suicide note was still on my mind, like a leaky faucet, drip, drip, dripping.

I couldn’t shut it off until I resolved whatever problem I seemed to be having with it.

I located the suicide note and read through it.


Then twice.

And a third time.

There was one particular line that stood out more than the others. Looking at it now, I realized what had been vexing me. In this moment, I was vexed no more. Clara had left me a message—a message about her murderer.


“Going somewhere?” I asked.

Grace looked up at me and smiled. “Whatever do you mean?”

“I noticed a couple of bags in the back seat of your car just now as I passed by it. Bags that weren’t there earlier when I was in the parking lot talking to Tyler. Care to explain?”

“There’s nothingtoexplain. Sometimes I’m here later than usual, and I like to bring extra clothes in case I want to change, freshen up. Once a week, I take them home.”


I wasn’t buying it.