“What do you mean?”

“When Quinn arrived here, she was carrying the heavy weight of something that happened in her past. Something I feel she was working on getting up the courage to talk to Karl about before she left here. I believe someone was seeking revenge, and that’s why she was murdered.”

“Do you know what happened in her past?”

“I do now,” I said.

“Is it something you can share?”

“Not yet.”

“If it happened some time ago, why wouldn’t the person holding the grudge go after her right after the incident? Why wait so long to confront her?”

It was another question I wasn’t prepared to answer, but I didn’t blame her for asking. If I didn’t already know the answer, I would be thinking the same thing.

“There are a lot of things I’m still trying to work out,” I said. “Until I do, I’m not satisfied with closing the case yet.”

She moved her hands to her hips. “Whatever you’ve discovered about Quinn, it must be big. I hope it won’t take long for you to find the answers. I have no doubt you will. Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not right now. I’ll let you know if anything comes up.”

She lifted a finger and said, “Ahh, I almost forgot the reason I came to speak with you in the first place. Tyler quit this morning, which means he won’t be making breakfast—or anything else for that matter. I’m heading over to the kitchen now to see what I can whip up. I apologize things are such a mess right now.”

“You don’t need to bother cooking for us. We have no problem making something ourselves.”

“I appreciate that, but I need to make sure any remaining staffers are fed as well. I don’t need anyone else quitting on me. Shall we say nine o’clock?”

“Works for me. Listen, I’ve been meaning to ask you, did you know Abby and Karl have been having sex?”

She grinned. “I do catch wind of things now and then.”

It wasn’t a straight answer, and I could tell I’d caught her off-guard.

“It seems Clara made an advance toward Karl as well,” I said. “He refused her, and then she caught him and Abby in a precarious position together. I believe it’s the reason Clara left Calvin’s place on Sunday night. She was upset.”

“Clara made a pass at Karl? I’m surprised to hear you say that. I can’t believe it’s true.”

“Why not?”

“It’s just, I was under the impression that Clara had started to prefer … well, women.”


Clara may havelikedwomen, but she had an ex-boyfriend, which meant she’d dated men in the past. Maybe she had been attracted to both genders.

I walked toward the staff quarters, mulling over the conversation I just had with Grace. Tyler passed by, carrying an overstuffed black trash bag.

“Hey,” I said. “You’re just the person I was coming to see.”

He stopped and turned toward me. “Oh yeah, why?”

“I heard you quit. Is that true?”


He glanced toward the parking lot as if anxious to get to his car.

“Where are you headed now?” I asked.