“Did anyone else here know you had it?” I asked.

“I don’t think so.”

“Why bring a gun to the retreat in the first place?” I asked.

“Habit, I guess. I’ve kept one in my nightstand for as long as I can remember. I was raised in a good neighborhood, with nice houses, the kind of houses thugs like to break into. Ours was hit a couple of times. My dad always kept a gun within reach at night, for protection. He taught me to do the same. And the way I see it, I didn’t assault that girl back then no matter what she said. Why should I have to give up the right to carry a firearm because I was falsely accused?”

“Because it’s the law,” Foley said.

“Yeah, well, the law doesn’t always get it right.”

“I agree,” I said. “They don’t.”

Foley shook his head at me.

He was not impressed.

“It’s the truth,” I said to Foley. “We both know it. I mean, look, I’d love to be right all the time, but I’ve made just as many mistakes as everyone else. And I believe him, Foley. I believe he served time for a crime he didn’t commit.”

“And now?” Foley asked. “Guess you’ve decided he had nothing to do with Clara’s or Quinn’s murders either.”

“I want to believe he’s telling the truth.”

But was he?

If the murderer worked at the retreat, we were down to seven suspects.








Some I suspected more than others. I needed to flesh out my suspicions, one by one until I figured it all out.

I stood.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Foley asked.

“If you want to keep questioning Calvin, go for it. I have others places to be.”


“For starters, I need to have a little chat with Karl.”


I found Karl in the kitchen, foraging around the refrigerator for something to make for dinner. He smiled and said, “Looks like we’re on our own tonight. I’ve just spoken to Tyler. He’s not in the mood to cook, or eat, which is understandable, considering the circumstances.”

“It doesn’t seem to have ruined your appetite,” I said.