“The cat I’ve seen wandering around here … is it yours?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I guess. I found her slinking around the property right after I started here. Grace said she didn’t belong to anyone and that I could keep her if I wanted. Wouldn’t say she’s much of a house cat, but I set food and water out for her.”

I pointed at the figurines. “Seems like you’ve gotten attached, to … what do you call her?”

“Wednesday. And yeah, maybe I am, but I’ve been collecting cat stuff for a while. She’s my third. You have pets?”

“I do. A Samoyed named Luka.”

“What kind of dog is a Samoyed?”

I whipped out my phone and showed her.

“Beautiful,” she said.

“Thanks, I think so too.”

Abby opened a dresser drawer, grabbed a tank top and some cutoff jean shorts, and released the towel. It slid down her body, puddling at her feet. Then she proceeded to get dressed right in front of me. The girl had grit.

After she dressed, she walked past me, rolled the kitchen window open all the way, and took a seat at the table.

“You can sit if you want,” she said. “Mind if I smoke?”

I minded, but if I wanted her to talk, I needed to oblige.

“I wasn’t aware you could do that kind of thing here,” I said, flicking my fingers in the direction of the pack of smokes.

Abby grabbed a cigarette and a lighter out of a tin box on the table and lit up. “What you’re supposed to do and what you can get away with are two different things, right?”

As the words were spoken, she bit down on her lip, aware of the implication she’d just placed on herself. “I’m talking about sneaking a cigarette here and there is all. You know that, right?”

“I do. Does Karl know you smoke?”

“I think so. He’s never said anything to me about it. It’s not like I do it all the time. I just smoke here and there when I’m stressed.”

“Are you stressed?” I asked.

“Aren’t you?”

I crossed one leg over the other. “No.”


“Why should I be?” I asked.

“I dunno. Maybe it’s different for you because you’re around death more than the average person. Makes me uncomfortable, knowing someone died here, and no one knows why. Been sleeping with a knife under my mattress just in case.”

“How long have you been dating Karl?”

She snorted a laugh. “We’re not dating. We just hang out sometimes, enjoy one another’s company, if you know what I mean.”

“He told me you’re together and have been for a while.”

“Huh. Guessing he said that because you saw me leaving his place half dressed, and he was trying to be respectful of what you might think about that. I mean, I like him and all, but it’s just a bit of fun. I doubt he’s taking what we’re doing any more serious than I am.”

“He’s a lot older than you.”

She shot me a wink. “Yeah, and a lot more experienced.”