Moving on.
“You said Quinn never got the chance to open up to you about some of the pain from her past, but is there anything she may have said that you haven’t already told me?” I asked.
He paused to give my question some thought. “I believe I’ve said everything that comes to mind. Why do you ask?”
“One of the other guests knew Quinn many years ago. When I spoke with her, she told me Quinn used to go by a different name. I’m trying to figure out if there was an event in Quinn’s life that prompted the name change.”
“Did this other guest give you the name?”
“Brynn,” I said.
“B. Well, that’s interesting.”
“When Quinn arrived for her second session, she was carrying what I believe was a journal.”
“What did it look like?”
“It was old. Its cloth cover was ripped at the edges, like it had been opened and closed many times over the years. Toward the end of the session that day, she opened it. From where I was sitting, I could have read what was written on the page, but I didn’t. It was for her to decide when to share passages with me, or if she shared them at all. Since she had the book with her, I thought she might mention it, but she just snapped it shut, shaking her head and saying, ‘Another day, another day.’”
“Why didn’t you share this with me before?”
“I guess I figured the police would have found the journal in her bungalow.”
“I don’t believe they did,” I said. “They never found her cell phone either.”
“I mention it now because you said her name used to be Brynn. On the cover of the journal was the letter B, big, in cursive writing. I remember wondering what the B stood for … and now, it looks like we know.”
“I, ahh … wanted to apologize,” I said.
I was sitting on a sofa in the spa’s waiting room, chatting with Kelly and Rebecca.
Kelly moved a hand to her hip. “For what?”
“This morning. I should have validated your concerns, and I didn’t.”
“Yeah, well, you’re right. You didn’t.”
“I know, that’s why I’m here.”
“It’s not the only reason you’re here though, is it?”
“You’re right. I was hoping to speak to you and your sister.”
Kelly threw her hands up in the air. “Well, everyone’s gone, so it’s not like we don’t have the time. Right, Rebecca?”
Rebecca nodded.
“What are your questions?” Kelly asked.
“I heard you both served time for arson.”
“Should have just been me serving time, but the judge wouldn’t listen to a word I said,” Kelly said. “Rebecca was with me the night her ex’s house went up in flames, but she wasn’t there for the reason everyone assumed. She wasn’t trying to help me. She was trying to stop me.”
“It’s true,” Rebecca said.