“What about the message written in lipstick in Quinn’s bathroom? Did Faith know about it?”
“Claims she didn’t.”
“The day she died, Quinn talked to Karl about her relationship with her daughter. She expressed some regrets, and he suggested she talk to Faith. I don’t know if she did.”
“Quinn spoke to her. Guess she couldn’t get much out as far as words go. She became real emotional and kept apologizing for not being a better mother. She didn’t know how to make it up to her, but she wanted to try.”
“What was Faith’s reaction?” Simone asked.
“Faith strikes me as a no-nonsense kind of gal. I’m sure she offered her mother support, but she said she’s not one to dwell on the past. All she wanted was to move forward.”
“Did Faith know her mother had thought about leaving the retreat and called a friend to come get her?” I asked.
“She didn’t. The woman’s name is Jane Holland. Guess she’s been good friends with Quinn since they were kids.”
“Which means we should have a conversation with her.”
“I agree. I stopped by her place after I left Faith’s house. She wasn’t home. I’ll try again later.”
I made a mental note to speak with the woman myself. If she’d known Quinn most of her life, there was a good chance she’d have answers to my questions.
I approached Karl’s bungalow and saw Abby walk out. Her shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way up, exposing part of her bra, and her hair was disheveled. She met my gaze and grabbed at her shirt, pulling it closed. I started to say something, but she turned, speedwalking in the opposite direction.
Karl was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. His face was flushed and red, which didn’t surprise me. Nothing like a little sex to get one’s heart rate up.
“Georgiana, hi,” he said. “Can you give me just a moment to—”
I couldn’t.
“Is having sex with one of your coworkers part of your therapy services?” I asked.
“It’s not what you think.”
“Isn't it? Because it looks to me like you and Abby just had sex. Are you saying you didn’t?”
“I’m saying Abby’s not just my coworker. We’re together. We have been for some time now.”
“Why the secrecy?” I asked.
“When it comes to the guests, we find it best to keep our private lives private.”
And yet guests were encouragednotto keep their private lives private.
“Having sex in broad daylight inside a place where anyone can walk in doesn’t seem that private to me,” I said.
“The door was locked, and you and Simone are the only guests left from what I understand.”
He had a point.
Besides, who was I to give him grief over a little horizontal tango?
He pushed himself to a standing position and walked out of the room. A couple of minutes later, he returned wearing a different shirt, and he’d slicked his shoulder-length hair back into a ponytail. He made two cups of tea and then sat down, motioning for me to do the same. “Please, join me. What can I do for you?”
“I have a few more questions about Quinn.”