Decker raised his voice and huffed an irritated, “No ma’am, I'm sorry. It doesn’t matter who you are. You can’t come in here.”
The voice of my mother rang loud and clear as she said, “Well … why ever not? I’ve been calling and calling my daughter, and she’s not picking up. Someone had better tell me where she is and what you all are doing here right this minute. Do you understand? Is my daughter in there? Is she? I want an answer. And don’t you even think about lying to me, Thomas Decker. I’m friends with your mother, as you well know.”
“Darlene, if you could just calm down and let me escort you back to your room, I’ll have your daughter call you to let you know she’s—”
“You’ll do nothing of the kind. Now get out of my way.” My mother stuck her head far enough into the room to look around as she shouted, “Yoo-hoo, Georgiana. It’s your mother. Are you in here?”
Foley and I backed into a corner, out of her line of sight and exchanged a worried glance.
“I’m going to have to deal with her,” I said. “If she’s been calling, I’d guess she’s also stopped by my room, and she’ll tear this place apart until she finds me.”
Foley grinned. “Bet you’re second-guessing inviting her along for retreat week now, aren’t ya?”
“You’re not funny.”
“Oh, but I am.”
“How do you want me to handle her?” I asked.
“As delicately as you can.” He ran a hand across his short, thick hair—hair that I noticed had started thinning in the past year. “Your mother has two modes: regular worked-up, and extra worked-up. And given I’m dating Phoebe, I’d like to stay on her good side. I don’t want any problems. Still, we can’t just let her stroll right into an active crime scene, now, can we?”
As we stood there, debating what to do next, my mother, who had twice the muscle Decker did, managed to shove him out of the way enough to show herself inside.
She made a beeline toward us, glaring at Foley as she said, “Why in heaven’s name areyouhere? Why are there officers milling around this place?”
“I can explain.”
Before he could, she looked at me. “I’ve called you half a dozen times, Georgiana. What are you doing out of your room at this hour?”
I wanted to say:What are you doing out of yours?
But I knew better.
Instead, I pointed.
She turned.
She saw Quinn, and she screamed.
And then she collapsed.
“Mom, can you hear me?” I asked.
My mother's eyes fluttered open. She looked at me, confused. “Oh, dear. I believe I fainted.”
“You did. Are you all right?”
“I think so.”
She sat up, her eyes darting around the room … at the blood stains on the wall, the paramedics loading Quinn onto a stretcher, Silas talking to Higgins as he dusted the door for prints.
“What on earth happened here?” my mother asked. “And how did you get caught up in it, Georgiana?”
Foley stepped forward, extending a hand toward my mother, which she seemed reluctant to take but did. He helped her into a standing position and said, “How about we go next door to Georgiana’s place, and we can discuss things there?”
She narrowed her eyes, her displeasure on full display. He’d interrupted the conversation she was trying to have with me, and she didn’t like it.