“What about in the beginning when you first opened? Did you send out flyers then?”
She pulled a desk drawer open, removed a stack of flyers, and set them on the desk. “We sent these out at the beginning, and by we … I mean me. But I haven’t sent any out for well over a year now. When did Faith say her mother received it?”
“I believe she said it was a couple of months ago. Who has access to your office during the day?”
“Everyone. I lock up at night, but I keep it open during the day.”
“So, anyone could have come in and taken these old flyers from your desk drawer,” I said.
“I guess so. But it doesn’t make any sense.”
It made perfect sense to me.
I stood, ready to leave.
Grace had other ideas.
“One thing before you go.”
“What’s that?” I asked.
“I spoke to Karl this morning about his sessions with Quinn.”
“I thought all sessions were confidential.”
“They are, but this is a unique situation, one we’ve never dealt with before. I’m all for protecting our guests no matter what, but Quinn’s not alive anymore, and that changes things.”
Still, I had mixed feelings about Karl telling Grace about his private sessions. I’d never said anything to him that couldn’t be repeated, but based on my limited interactions with Quinn, something told me she had.
“What did Karl tell you?” I asked.
“Not much, but I did manage to squeeze one little tidbit of information out of him, and I thought I’d pass it along. When Quinn was in her last session, she told Karl she had been having the same recurring nightmare.”
“Since when?”
“They started a couple of months ago.”
“What was the nightmare about?”
Grace cleared her throat, looked me dead in the eye, and said, “That’s the interesting thing … she dreamed she was being murdered.”
“I think Foley’s right,” Hunter said. “Murder does have a way of finding you, whether you’re looking for it or not.”
Simone clapped a hand over her mouth and cracked up laughing.
I didn’t.
I’d once studied the law of attraction, the idea that positive draws positive and negative draws negative. If there was any merit to the concept, it seemed to me each of us got back what we put out into the world. If it came up in conversation and someone asked me whether I believed in the concept or not, I wasn’t sure what I’d say. I suppose it would depend on the person querying me. Considering it now … yes, I believed. And based on the comment Hunter had just made, it was disturbing to think that I seemed to attract death.
I discussed the details from last night with Hunter and Simone, gave them what little information I had so far, and asked if they would agree to give up some of their plans at the retreat for the rest of the week, considering the new developments.
I hadn’t even finished before Hunter said, “I’m in. If I have to meet with Karl one more time, I might stab myself in the eye.”