Page 22 of Finding Jess

“Pretty,” Jess said with a nod, looking it over.

“Sam,” Scarlett said, glancing up at her, “what do you think?”

She cleared her throat, raking over it as she tried to find any detail that seemed different from the others. “Honestly? It looks basically the same as the others, but bigger. Too big. It’d probably block most of your dress.”

Scarlett cocked her head, peering down at it again. “Hmph. I think you’re right.” She set it back on the shelf beside her. “See.I told you I needed you here. You think of all the things I never would.”

Jess leaned closer into her side, lowering her voice as she whispered, “hope you cleared your afternoon. We might be here a while.”

Sam blew out a breath. “Pretty sure Caleb’s gonna call me any minute to come rushing back.”

Jess gave her a look, then glanced away, the muscle in her jaw ticking. “Guess some things never change.”


Three Years and Ten Months Earlier

Sam frowned, looking down at the text from Jess asking about their plans for the night.

She typed out and sent a quick reply, letting her know she’d be working late and wouldn’t be able to come over.

That was the third night that week she’d had to cancel. And although she knew Jess understood how busy she was, it hurt to go that long without seeing her.

The early mornings and late nights had begun to pile up. Every day it seemed like the already never ending list of things to do grew further and further. And each time she cancelled their plans, the guilt was almost unbearable.

But that wasn’t even the worst part. It was watching Jess try to conceal her disappointment that really twisted the knife.

Sam dropped her phone on the desk, forcing herself to ignore the now familiar surge of guilt in her stomach as she focused back in on the work she needed to finish that night.

The steady tapping of Caleb typing behind her drowned out her thoughts. And she couldn’t tell how much time had passed before she eventually heard the door to the tiny apartment creak open.

“Hey,” Jess said with a smile as she stepped past the threshold, balancing a paper bag beneath her arm.

Sam blinked once, then twice, as her tired eyes slowly absorbed the sight. Then a smile tugged across her face.

“You’re here,” she said, in more of a statement than a question.

“I hope that’s food,” Caleb mumbled from where he sat at the second small desk in the far corner.

Jess crossed the few steps toward Sam, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek before setting the bag on the desk in front of her.

“I figured you guys hadn’t eaten dinner yet.”

Sam’slips curled into a contented smile.“Thank you.”

Jess rounded the back of the chair, running her hand up Sam’s arm and onto her shoulder before giving the tense muscles a gentle squeeze.

Sam leaned back, releasing a deep exhale as she rested her head against her chest.

“I’m glad you came,” she mumbled.

Caleb stood and strode toward them, plucking the paper bag off the desk.

Jess ran her other hand across Sam’s chest in a soothing motion. “Three days was too long to go without seeing you.”

Sam couldn’t help the way she stiffened slightly at the words, each one reminding her of the conversation she’d had with Caleb earlier that day. Reminding her of the near impossible decision she’d had to make.

Caleb shot her a weary glance, and by the way Jess’ hand stilled against her chest, she knew Jess had caught it, too.