Scarlett smiled, taking a drink from her mug. “Well, then I can see why you’d like her so much.”
A loud group of people entered as Sam let out a soft chuckle.
Scarlett tapped the screen of her phone on the table between them. “Oh—shit,” she muttered. “I have to go. I have an appointment to go look at flower arrangements at one of the new places I found.”
“Fun,” Sam mumbled, taking another sip of her drink.
“Can you come with me?” Scarlett asked, standing from her seat.
“What?” Sam asked, frowning as she peered up at her from behind the cup. “Why?”
“Because,” Scarlett started, shooting her a look that left no room to argue, “I wanna keep talking and hear about all this new stuff you have going on.”
Sam grunted. “You mean you wanna keep grilling me about Tiana even though there’s nothing more to tell?”
Scarlett crossed her arms with a stern look. “Please?” she asked, in a way that was definitely not a request. “It’d be more fun with you there.”
Sam sighed quietly, checking the time on her phone. She’d already gotten the most urgent tasks done early that morning, so taking an extended break wouldn’t be the end of the world. Although Caleb might not agree.
“Fine,” she said, grabbing her mug off the table and downing the rest of the coffee.
“Oh, and—Jess will be there, too.”
“I know, I know,” Scarlett said as she rushed through the door, her shoes tapping lightly against the polished wooden floor as she hurried toward the front counter. “Sorry. We were having coffee, and I didn’t realize how late it was.”
Sam lingered near the entrance, letting the door swing closed behind her. The cool draft from outside faded away, replaced by the almost stifling humidity of the shop.
“It’s fine,” Jess answered, her voice drawing Sam’s attention.
She turned and found Jess standing near a table piled high with vibrant bouquets. Her eyes flicked to Sam, widening slightly in surprise before softening, and a small, easy smile formed on her lips.
“Hey,” Jess said, cocking her head slightly. “I didn’t know you were coming too.”
Seeing her the day before had felt different than she’d expected. Like a tiny thread had been tugged in her chest, and then it was just left dangling there, waiting to be unraveled.
Sam offered a quick smile as Scarlett strode ahead toward the front desk. “I didn’t know either until like ten minutes ago.”
Jess smirked, her head turning to where Scarlett now stood. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. I could use a second person to help keep her on track.”
Sam blew out a breath, nodding to where Scarlett was already speaking with an employee at the back of the shop. “You sure two of us is enough?” she muttered.
Jess chuckled, her eyes crinkling into a playful smile. “Probably not.”
“Guys, come on,” Scarlett called out, waving them over.
They spent a few minutes listening to the women explaining different arrangements and the logistics of having live versus fake flowers for different things throughout the wedding.
Then, when she was finished, she left the three of them to look over an assortment of beautiful bouquets.
Sam scanned over them, pointing out the few that caught her eye. Although she really had no idea what she was supposed to be looking for.
“So, according to Sam,” Scarlett cut in suddenly as she eyed one vase, “Tiana wasnothanging all over her.”
Sam caught Jess as she stiffened before shooting Scarlett a mild glare.
Then she picked up a bouquet as she muttered, “Sam is also oblivious to women hitting on her.”