Page 70 of Where There's Smoke

“Okay, whatever. But just because Anthony and I have some chemistry doesn’t mean we’re ‘perfect for each other’ or anything like that.”

“I never said your dirty chemistry was the only reason.”

“Enlighten me, then,” I said as I collected my wallet, phone, and keys.

She gave an exasperated sigh. “Listen, you remember that singer I used to work for? Kip Royal? He always hung out with Ace Borden, and Ace had this PA named Jamie. Oh my God, Jesse. Ace was the biggest hard-ass when it came to his PAs. Didn’t cut them any slack for anything…until Jamie. As far as Ace was concerned, Jamie could do no wrong. Three years later? They’re still together.”

“Okay, but what does that have to do with Anthony and me?”

“Anthony is a lot like Ace. Okay, so technically he’s working for you, not the other way around, but let’s face it, everyone is Anthony’s bitch as far as he’s concerned. Except you.”

“Somehow I don’t think Anthony’s any more willing to take crap from me than he is anyone else.”

“No, I don’t doubt that at all. And I don’t think you’d want to be with a man who did.”

“Definitely not.”

“But I’ve seen Anthony interacting with staffers and your uncle and whoever else comes tromping through at events. I’ve seen him with you around, and I’ve seen him without you around. Jesse, he’s completely different when you’re in the room.”

“How so?”

“It’s hard to explain. He’s just…calmer. Maybe that’s not even the word. Like, in a way he’s more tense, but he’s not quite so riled up and impatient, I guess.” She pursed her lips. “It’s like he has this air about him that everything is the way it should be. And when you’re not there, it’s…not.”

“That doesn’t mean…”Does it?

“Okay, so maybe he’s just relieved you’re within earshot so he knows you’re not getting into trouble.” Her expression turned serious. “But I don’t think so, Jesse. I just…”

Our eyes met.

I swallowed. Then I glanced at my watch. “Shit, we’re gonna be late. We should get moving.”

Ranya nodded and fussed with my sleeves. “Okay, I guess you look presentable enough to be around your man.”

I scowled at her, but when she grinned, I couldn’t help laughing and heat rushed into my cheeks again.

“Now make yourself useful and carry this.” She shoved the garment bag into my hands. “And let’s go.”

“Hey, who’s telling who what to do around here?”

“I just told you.” She shot me a playful glare. “You going to argue with me or carry the suit?”

“Yes, dear,” I said, and we both laughed.

Clothes changed and suit in hand, we went out to my car and left for the day’s events. And even as we carried on with our usual banter on the way through Malibu and into the morning commute, I pretended every mile didn’t make the guilt, apprehension, and anticipation tug harder at my gut.

Because every mile took me closer to the man I shouldn’t have slept with last night.

Chapter 15


Today’s event,a visit to a couple of wineries, would be low-key and low-stress. As low-key and low-stress as any event could be, anyway. Invariably, necessary people were late and necessary equipment failed to function, so by ten thirty, I was ready to start committing felonies.

At eleven thirty, Jesse and Ranya arrived. God bless the man, he was always on fucking time. Whether it was because Ranya cracked the whip and kept after him, or—and I strongly suspected this was the case—that was just the way he was, Jesse never showed up late unless it was because of circumstances beyond his control. After some of the candidates I’d worked with in the past, I was more than a little appreciative of chronic punctuality. Even if his presence did do things to my blood pressure that even running his campaign couldn’t do.

And goddamn, he looked good. Real good. Some guys just didn’t wear khakis well, but Jesse certainly did. Then again, I supposed there wasn’t much he couldn’t wear well. He’d rolled his dark blue sleeves to just below his elbows, which was not only a flawlessly casual look for this event, but was also one of my favorite looks on a man. Something about it did me in every damned time. Laid-back but dignified. Giving enough of a fuck to dress appropriately, but not too uptight to relax a little.

But while Jesse was dressed to walk the line between relaxed and not, the tension in his bunched shoulders and taut expression was palpable from across the crowded parking lot. When his eyes darted toward me, that tension went up exponentially in the instant before he broke eye contact in favor of returning his attention to a conversation with Roger.