It was impossible to say if his uncle had simply started coaching him from a young age, if Jesse had learned from his parents, or if he just had a knack for working a crowd. He knew just when and how long to pause to cue everyone in the room to lean a little closer—and likely had thousands leaning closer to their television sets—in anticipation of what was on the other end of that pause. With a playful smirk and an upturned “hey, what can I say?” palm, he sent a ripple of laughter through the room. That same palm, pressing down on the air in the same moment he tilted his headalmostlike his uncle often did, gave the entire room a vibe ofdon’t worry, I’ve got this. Like a symphony conductor, he directed every response, and everyone, myself included, listened when he commanded our attention and held our breath when he kept us in suspense.
Even Roger couldn’t hold me spellbound like this. I’d long ago developed an immunity to politicians, but Jesse worked me just like he worked everyone in this crowd. Whatever my doubts or reservations about this inexperienced candidate, one thing was for certain: Jesse was born for the podium.
It didn’t hurt that good-looking, charismatic politicians like Jesse had an advantage. A gorgeous, clean-cut candidate with a flawless smile and perfect poise had a distinctly easier time winning over the people than a grizzled, aesthetically off-putting opponent. Legend had it that JFK had capitalized on that in the television debates against Nixon, and while such a thing wouldn’twinan election, it certainly helped to have that point of favor in the subconscious of the public.
He was the flawless package deal: a confident, smooth talker with a stunning smile, the perfect stage presence that came from a lifetime under the camera’s scrutiny, and youthful good looks that promised “fresh, new, something different from the old” to the public. That was why I was staring. Only that. No other reason.
Oblivious to me, Jesse gestured as he spoke, and a light glinted off his wedding ring. I couldn’t help a quiet, self-deprecating laugh.
A straight, unavailable man? Again? Really, Anthony?
I’d never broken up a relationship or tried to “convert” someone, but for whatever reason, the men who piqued my interest were always either taken, hetero, or both.
Sighing, I kept watching Jesse. I mean, the press conference. I kept watching thepress conference.
When everything wrapped up, Jesse walked off the stage to resounding applause. I released a relieved breath as I watched him disappear from the screen, heading back toward the room where Ranya and I waited. Obviously I had severely underestimated the man. He was inexperienced in terms of holding an office, and I intimidated the fuck out of him, but he had the art of wooing voters down pat.
All he had to do now to secure the Democratic primary was not blow the debates, and I suddenly had much, much more confidence that he wouldn’t do that. With the public attitude toward the other potential candidates, I predicted Jesse would be the favorite horse in this race. If he could keep from breaking a leg in thebigrace against John Casey, he was in.
The door opened, and Jesse walked in with Roger. As soon as it closed behind them, Jesse’s shoulders dropped, and he pushed out a relieved breath just as I had a moment ago.
“Great job!” Ranya threw her arms around him. “You’re going to have California eating out of your hand.”
Roger put an arm around Jesse’s shoulders. “I knew you were cut out for this, kid. Keep it up until November, and the voters will be falling all over themselves to vote for you.”
Jesse laughed, his cheeks coloring. “Let’s not jump the gun. I could still fuck this up.”
“I wouldn’t recommend it,” I said, and Jesse’s eyes widened. I swore he drew away from me a little, but then I clapped his shoulder. “Nicely done out there. You might pull this thing off yet.”
He smirked, relaxing a little. “Thanks. I think?”
Roger laughed. “That’s the best you’re getting out of him, son. Trust me.”
Jesse chuckled. “Well, in that case.” He looked right at me. “I’ll take what I can get.”
With the Democratic debates on the horizon and the primary coming up quickly as well, I ran Jesse ragged. Dinners. Events. Filming ads. Interviews. Every kind of public appearance he could think of and then some. He handled it all without complaint or getting a single hair out of place, but we were only a few weeks into this. It remained to be seen how he handled it after a few months of nonstop bullshit and baby kissing.
A little over two weeks after the press conference, Roger hosted a gala dinner at one of the premier five-star restaurants in the heart of Los Angeles. He invited every politician—retired or sitting—he knew and respected and made sure every media outlet in California caught wind of just how many prominent names were there. Half of them probably couldn’t have cared less about Jesse’s campaign, but their presence was as good as a televised endorsement.
And just as Roger expected, the press turned out in droves, hovering around the posh restaurant’s front doors for a glimpse of the Democratic Party’s front-runner and his glamorous wife on their way out.
Rather than stepping into the throngs of reporters ourselves, Ranya and I left through the back and came around the side, leaving Jesse and Simone to make their exit. We made it to the car—another limo, as Roger demanded—about the time the couple emerged through the gilded, tinted doors of the restaurant.
Dean, Simone’s bodyguard, followed them, and the three private security guards Jesse had hired at his uncle’s insistence kept some distance between the couple and the reporters. All the way from the door to the sidewalk, just like they were on the red carpet at the Oscars, Jesse and Simone paused from time to time to smile for the cameras. Luckily this was one of the rare evenings where we didn’t have someplace else to be and nowhere near enough time to get there, so I didn’t try to rush them out. Besides, voters loved this sort of thing.
Jesse stopped, and Simone turned toward him, resting her hand on his chest and leaning in close. He had his arm around her waist and put his hand over hers. Cameras flashed and flickered, especially when the loving couple turned to each other and exchanged a brief, perfectly-polite-in-public kiss. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what image would be splashed all over every Web site and magazine by daybreak.
One thing was becoming very clear: They were no longer Hollywood’s golden couple. Jesse and Simone were nowCalifornia’sgolden couple, and from here on out, every exit they made would be akin to a bride and groom leaving a church. I wasn’t yet sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing where these two were concerned. It was endearing to voters, but the second a crack showed, the instant a photographer caught them looking at each other without stars in their eyes or so much as glancing in someone else’s generaldirection, the rumor mill would start churning in earnest. Wildfires were easier to extinguish than voter speculation.
At the car, Jesse held Simone’s hand as she went in ahead of him. Then Dean got in while Jesse paused to smile for the press once more before he slid into the car himself. Ranya and I followed, and the driver shut the door behind me while we all got situated inside the spacious car.
After we’d all made ourselves comfortable and the car was on its way to our next destination—the campaign office to wrap things up for the evening, thank God—I half expected Jesse and Simone to be cuddled up together. It seemed only natural to carry over some of that public affection with some closeness and exchanged looks. But instead they sat a few inches apart. Simone played on her smartphone while Dean watched over her shoulder. Jesse and Ranya discussed something in Ranya’s ever-present leather-bound day planner. The doting couple barely seemed to notice each other now.
My phone vibrated. When I looked at the screen, it was a text from Lydia, my assistant.
Flights confirmed for 14th and 18th. Itinerary sent to your e-mail. Waiting on Kim re: event/Mendocino. Will advise.
I quickly sent back an acknowledgment, then forwarded the e-mail to Ranya. As I put my phone away, I said, “Ranya, I just sent you a couple of itineraries and reservation confirmations.”