Page 8 of Bound By Revenge

Dealing with thestronzo’s requests has been taking up all my time. My libido has taken a backseat with A.J.'s life in danger. So, when Nik’s firm body brushes against mine, my misgivings and concerns start to sound terribly inconsequential. I have the Flame of Mir, so A.J. will soon catch a break. I deserve some time off, just like everyone else.

His suggestion to go somewhere private fits my plan to leave the party perfectly. Big picture, does it really matter if I leave alone or with the guy who won’t stop undressing me with his eyes? Wouldn't it be smart to have someone to vouch for me if a guard notices the diamond is gone?What an alibi.Suddenly, meeting him tonight feels very serendipitous, and I’m never one to go against fate.

“Let’s say I let you whisk me away. Once you have me all to yourself, what’s the plan?”

“A couple of things come to mind. Come with me and find out for yourself.”

“I had a feeling you’d say that. Can’t deny I'm tempted. But I'm not convinced just yet. You’re going to have to sweeten the deal.”

“All you have to do is tell me what you desire,kiska, and I’ll happily give it to you.”

“Anything I want?”

“Anything,” he says without hesitation.

His unwavering belief in his ability to fulfill my every wish is such a turn-on. Of course, he has no idea how demanding andimaginative I can be, but it doesn’t matter. Ultimately,nothingelse matters beyond this overwhelming, irresistible craving that won’t be resisted or ignored.

Unwilling to deny myself for a second longer, I brush his lips with mine before whispering, “Kiss me, Nik. Kiss me, and I’m yours.”

Chapter 4


I’m notsurprised in the slightest when the woman in front of me demands I kiss her.

This moment was always going to happen. It was inevitable from the second I laid eyes on her and decided she was mine. One way or the other, tonight was always going to end with her in my arms. Everything else was just minor details.

I’ll admit I underestimated how badly the thought of kissing her would affect me. I should’ve known something unusual was going on when the first glimpse of her blue eyes left me speechless. At the very least, the way her soft skin had utterly driven me to distraction should’ve given me pause.

Perhaps I’ve had too much to drink—or maybe I’m just really dense—because even after all the signs that there are strange forces at work here, the unfamiliar feel of my heart racing catches me off guard. Even worse—when she scratches the back of my neck with her long fingernails, I have to hide my hard-on, like I’m a fucking teenager.

Obviously, there’s only explanation for my bizarre—and unacceptable—behavior: I’ve allowed myself to go too long without a woman.

Even on a good day, running my legitimate business enterprises and dealing with mybratvaaffairs can keep my plate full. Then there’s the situation with McGuire and Maxim. Finding the time for sex just hasn’t been a priority lately. Until tonight, of course. Everything changed tonight. One look at her, and suddenly, I can’t think of anything more urgent than the need to peel off her dark dress and fuck her until she can’t remember the name she refuses to give me.

She bites her bottom lip while gazing at my mouth with an expression I can only describe as longing. As if she can’t help herself. Or maybe it’s a calculated move meant to push me over the edge. I couldn’t say which option I like better.

“Come here,” I say, the roughness in my voice startling me. I wrap my right hand around her neck and pull her closer to take her mouth with my own.


Call it naïve or overly confident, but part of me hoped that recognizing her power over me would magically help me stop acting bizarrely around her. Before kissing her, I braced myself for what I knew would be an embarrassingly intense response to the feel of her lips.

But when she softly moans against my mouth, eagerly greeting my tongue with hers, I realize I’m an idiot. I never had a shot. There was nothing—absolutely nothing—I could’ve ever done to prepare myself for the reality of what kissing this woman feels like. Not in the few moments I had since she asked me to kiss her. Not even in the thirty-something years I’ve had on this planet. Even if I had a thousand years to wander the earth and prepare for this instant, it wouldn’t be enough.

I might as well have been struck by lightning—every inch of my skin comes alive, electrified by her touch. Without warning, she grabs my jacket, pulling me closer, and all I can do is groan against her mouth.

Our back-and-forth started off light-hearted and flirty, but this kiss is setting a different mood. This kiss…changes things. It changes everything, actually. And if the way she’s clinging to me, twisting her tongue around mine, is any indication, I’d say the feeling is mutual.

All along, my plan was to get her to leave the party with me. Then, I was going to take my time discovering what her pretty dress was hiding until she begged me to fuck her. Repeatedly.

Now, I don’t think I can wait that long. I have a feeling I won’t even last that long. Is this knot in my stomach and this trembling of my hands what desperation feels like? More importantly, what if she changes her mind? I had to do a lot of convincing just to get this far with her. I have no idea what I'd do if she got cold feet now. I’ve killed for less. Time is of the essence.

In a feat of remarkable mental dexterity, I miraculously focus enough to remember the museum's layout while her breasts press against my chest. One of my greatest moments, especially with most of my blood now flowing in the opposite direction of my brain.

Even with the too many layers of clothing we’re unfortunately wearing, I can tell her nipples are stiff. Theremust besomething wrong with me—it takes me way longer than it should to stop wondering what shade of pink the hardened peaks might be. If I’m not inside her in the next few minutes, I might very well die.

Not a minute too soon, I remember there’s a vacant room across the gardens, a short walk from the dance floor. They store extra chairs and supplies in there during events such as tonight's party. It’s not the Four Seasons, but it'll have to do.