Page 22 of Bound By Revenge

“Choose something else? There’s nothing else!” My anger flares as I step closer. “You say you don’t want to incur my wrath, but you’re doing a hell of a good job pissing me off. Do I need to remind you I decide what happens to you?”

“No need. The fact that I’m currently tied down to your bed really drives your point home. Trust me. But it doesn’t change a thing. I can’t contact the person who tasked me with stealing your diamond. I don’t even know if they still have it. For all I know, they might’ve fenced it by now. And even if I could get a hold of them and they still had it, they’d never give it back.”

Her tone is very matter-of-fact, as if I should just make my peace with the fact that my diamond—worth over a quarter billion dollars—is gone forever. Simply because she says so. If anyone else said such nonsense to my face, I’d kill them out of spite.

“Don’t play games with me.”

“I’m not. I’m just being honest. There’s no way to get it back.”

“Why don’t you contact this mysterious person to set up a meeting between the three of us? I’ll handle the rest.”

“You’re not listening. There’s no ‘handling’ anything. I can’t contact them. It’s gone, and you have to accept that.”

In a fit of rage, I grab her by the neck, my fingers digging into her skin.

“I’m notacceptinganything. This isn’t some trinket you shoplifted from Tiffany’s. Youwillfix your mess, or I’ll make you regret the day you crossed my path.”

She stares back defiantly. “I already do. You can punish me however you see fit. It still won’t change the facts. I’m sorry, but I can’t get it back for you.”

Against my better judgment, I admire her bravery. She knows my reputation, yet she faces me with unflinching calm.

Part of me can’t help but wonder if that in itself isn’t enough evidence that she’s telling me the truth. Still, my rational side advises caution—I’m tragically prone to unforgivable amounts of wishful thinking when it comes to her.

I release her and step back, walking to the window to collect myself. Whether it’s rage or passion, I can’t control myself when I’m around her.

I stare blankly ahead as the sun slips behind the horizon. After a long silence, I turn back. “We’ll revisit this issue later. For now, let’s move on to my second condition. You’re going to help me catch Maxim’s killer.”

Chapter 12


I could never have guessedmy day would end like this.

Countless times last week, I was too weak to stop fantasizing about Nik, but I never imagined I would end up here, tied to his bed, completely at his mercy.

Well, that’s not entirely true.

Ihaddaydreamed of a scenario like this more than once. But in my version, he was just Nik—the sexy-as-hell, passionate man I met at the gala.

No last name, no dangerous background.

I never expected him to be my latest mark, the owner of the Flame of Mir.

And I certainly never thought he could beNikolai Stefanovich,pakhanof thebratva.

I’m old enough to know that things are never so bad, they can’t get worse. I thought my troubles with thestronzowere the worst thing that could ever happen to me, but my life just got way more complicated.

Now there aren’t one, buttwomob bosses who think they own me. I know I can outwit the Italian given the chance, but Nikolai? I’m notthatfoolish.

He terrifies men I wouldn’t dream of crossing, and I’ve brazenly stolen his most prized possession. Worse still, he thinks I’m involved in his best friend’s murder.

Now I’m here, powerless in his lair, scared out of my mind. Whatever thestronzomade me feel is nothing compared to the panic I feel around Nikolai.

I’ve been through hell before—as an orphan, a petty thief, and a girl who had to fought her way to survive in the system stacked against her. But I’ve always found a way to control my destiny.

Until now.

With thestronzo, I always knew I’d catch a break eventually. But with Nikolai, I’m in way over my head.