Page 146 of Bound By Revenge

“Did he say that?” I ask quietly, barely able to get the words out.

“Say what?”

“That he loves me. Did Nik actually say that to you?”

Dmitri’s expression softens. “He didn’t have to. I know him. And I know his heart. And deep down, so do you.”

So he didn’t say it.

“Well, I thought I did. I really did. But I was wrong.”

“No, you weren’t,” Dmitri says, his voice gentler now. “You’re just scared. And I get it. But you’re not the kind of person whoruns from what scares you. Not when it’s something you truly want.”

I shrug, avoiding his too-knowing gaze. “Maybe I don’t want it.”

“Bullshit,” Dmitri says simply. “You don’t believe that any more than I do. So you guys have problems—big deal. Who doesn’t? The way I see it, the only difference between successful relationships and failed ones is whether people give up. And I don’t think you’re the giving-up type.”

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. And probably the most naïve.”

“Maybe,” he admits with a shrug. “But it’s also true. And who knows? Maybe I’m speaking from personal experience.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he cuts me off.

“Listen, Nik made a mistake. But you’re not perfect either. No offense. What you two have is special. And honestly? Considering who he is, it could’ve been way worse. He’s the boss of thebratva, Kat. You think about it long enough, and you’ll realize he was actually being kind of sweet.”

I glare at him, incredulous. “Did you really just say that? Do you seriously think this crap is going to change my mind?”

He leans back, an infuriating grin spreading across his face. “Come on. Deep down, you know I’m right.”

God must be real, because, mercifully, my phone rings, rattling on the coffee table. A welcome interruption to whatever nonsense Dmitri was about to spew next.

“Hang on,” I say, grabbing the phone. “It’s my friend. I have to get this.”

He nods, dragging a hand through his dark blond hair. I seize the opportunity to escape, retreating to the kitchen with the now-melted ice cream in tow. As I answer the call, I shove the container into the freezer and lean against the counter for support.

“Hey, A.J.,” I greet her. “What’s up?”

“What’s up?” she practically screeches, her excitement crackling through the line. “I’ll tell you what’s up. Ifuckingdid it, Kat.”

I almost drop my wine glass but catch myself, setting it down on the counter with shaking hands.

The flash drive. She cracked it. It’s over. Finally.

“No way,” I gasp.

“Way,” A.J. declares triumphantly. “Honey, please. It was only a matter of time. You know I’mthatbitch. Sure, sometimes I’m the bitch that drags us into mob-related disasters, but today? Today, I’m the bitch who cleans up her messes.”

“A.J.—” I interrupt, grinning despite myself. “I already know you’re a badass. Trust me. But what do you need me to do?”

“We’ll get to that in a minute,” she says, her words tumbling out in excitement. “Here’s what you need to know: I finally have the paperwork Camilla mentioned. And guess what it leads to? A freakingbirth certificate, Kat. With Giuseppe Salvatore’s name listed as the father. Can you believe it? Men never learn. You’d think a guy who crawled his way to the top would know better than to cheat on the woman whomadehim boss. But nope. He fucked around, and now he’s about to find out. Ilovethis for us.”

My heart races. “Holy shit. This is really happening.” I clutch the counter tighter. “A.J., you’re amazing. Where are you? You need to come over. Should we even be talking about this on the phone?”

“I’m fine,” she says, practically shouting over the line in her excitement. “You’ll see me soon enough. I’m on my way to meet Gianna and Lorenzo Salvatore. Can’t wait to bury that bastard. Oh! And here’s a fun twist—you’lllovethis. Thestronzo’ssecret kid? Turns out he’s half-Russian! His name is Dmitri Ivashkov. Can you believe that? He didn’t even give the poor kid his last name. What a dick.”

The phone almost slips from my hand.
