Page 102 of Bound By Revenge

“And here I thought you were clueless about your good looks,” I tease. "Clearly, I was wrong if you’re out here bragging about your so-called boyish charms.”

He winces dramatically, clutching his chest while flashing me a heart-stopping smile. “Boyish charms? Ouch, Kat. You wound me.”

I roll my eyes. “Somehow, I doubt that.”

“All I know,” Dmitri continues, undeterred, “is that you’re ignoring the fact that I’m obviously all man. I won’t hear anymore of that boyish nonsense. I’m not even that much younger than you.”

“Oh, yeah? And how would you know that? Let me guess—from all the time you spent spying on me for Nik?” I nudge his arm playfully.

He laughs, shrugging. “Hey, it’s not much, but it’s honest work.”

“Not even close,” I retort.

“Well, maybe not. But in my defense, I was doing God’s work.”

“God’s work? I snort. "Is that what you call Nik these days? Laying it on a bit thick, don’t you think?”

He grins, ruffling my hair like an annoying older brother. “No, smart-ass. I mean bringing the two of you together. Think of me as Cupid. You’re welcome, by the way.”

I laugh despite myself. “You have no idea how ridiculous you sound.”

“What can I say? I’m a romantic,kiska.”

“Careful, Dmitri. You know Nik breaks hands for less.”

He sighs, shaking his head. “I still can’t believe he actually did that. I thought you two were messing with me until I saw Vladmir’s cast for myself.”

“All I’m saying is, don’t push him. Nik’s under a lot of pressure right now.”

“No kidding. It's called blue balls,” he mutters. “And unlike you, I doubt I’d get a shiny black AmEx as a reward for pissing him off.”

“Maybe not,” I say, smirking. “But it’s obvious he’s got a soft spot for you. And you know it.”

“Maybe,” he admits, his tone softening. “But who knows? It's a brave new world—we’re living in unprecedented times. Nik walks around breaking hands for love now.”

I roll my eyes for what feels like the hundredth time today. “You seem eager to talk about my love life, so fair’s fair. Tell me about this mysterious woman you mentioned before.”

Dmitri groans, running a hand through his hair. “You make it sound so dramatic.”

“Am I wrong?”

He shrugs, suddenly preoccupied with the necklace tucked under his shirt. The delicate gold thread glints in the light as his fingers fidget with the chain. Dmitri, usually so poised, looks restless, like he’s weighing his words.

“Don’t get shy now,” I prod. “You seemed eager enough to dig into my business.”

“Your business is my business,” he says with a smirk.

“Is that right?”

“You bet. As long as mypakhanis your business, I’m keeping an on you.”

“Lucky me,” I mutter sarcastically. “Turnabout’s fair play, though. Spill. I want to know everything about your not-so-secret girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend isn’t the word I’d use,” he mutters, still toying with the necklace.

“Well, does your not-girlfriend have a name?”

He gives me a distant look, and somehow I know he won’t answer my question. But I never get to find out for sure, because an ear-splitting scream cuts through the air, freezing us both in place.