She cuts me off with an exasperated sigh. “Are you really going to argue semantics right now?”
I ignore her. “Second, if you don’t want me coming on to you, maybe you should stop leading me on.”
“Leading you on?” She sputters, cheeks flushing. “I wouldnever. Ever. And I didn’t. And I won’t—ever.”
“You were making eyes at me, sighing, longingly gazing at my mouth?—”
Her expression turns incredulous. “You have a very vivid imagination. Not very gangster of you, I’ll say.”
I give her a pointed look, debating showing her howgangsterI feel right now. If I didn’t have bigger priorities, I’d prove her wrong right now. But I’m here to avenge Maxim, not win her over. I need to be on her good side—so she will help me nail thebastard who killed my friend. Not because I want her to like me and ask me to fuck her.
“This conversation is pointless,” I say. “How about this? I’ll make you a promise—if you can keep your hands to yourself, I’ll do the same.” I hope this is a promise I can actually keep.
“Deal,” she replies, a little too quickly for my taste.
“It’s not a problem.”
“Good to hear.”
“Fantastic. How about you unchain me now? I’d like to go home.” She regally olds her arms, managing to look every bit as defiant as someone bound to a bed can.
I exhale. “First of all, quit being so dramatic. You’re notchainedto anything. You’re making it sound like this is a fucking medieval dungeon. You’re restrained by very soft cuffs in a very safe, very comfortable penthouse.”
She rolls her eyes. “Excuse me if I’m not particularly pleased by the luxurious cage you’ve locked me inside.”
“Also, I’ll release you so you can move around, but you’re not leaving this place.”
Her jaw drops. “What?”
“As long as you work for me, you’ll be staying here. With me. That’s my third condition.”
She blinks at me, seemingly at a loss for words. I expect her to scream in outrage, but when she speaks, it’s with that infuriatingly calm, measured tone I’m learning to hate. “You’re insane.”
“Not at all, but you might be. I don’t think you fully appreciate your situation. You’ve agreed to help me, but I’m still keeping an eye on you.” I pause, letting my words sink in. “We may have fucked, but this is strictly business now. Please tell me you don’t expect me to go easy on you because of our history.”
She levels a glare at me—as if it’s beneath her to even acknowledge my accusation.. “You may have leverage over me, but that doesn’t mean youownme.”
I arch an eyebrow, throwing her own words back at her. “Thought you didn’t want to argue semantics?”
If looks could kill, I’d be dead right now. Unfortunately for her, I’ll live to fight her another day. But I know I’ve made my point; more importantly, so does she. I’m not foolish enough to think I actually own her. That would be a fatal mistake—one she’d make me pay for dearly. But I have enough leverage to make certain demands.
“I agreed to workwithyou,” she says. “You have the means to chase me through the gates of hell if I’m dumb enough to go AWOL on you. Why the hell do you need me to stay in your home?”
Because I don’t trust her. I need to keep my eyes on her to make sure she isn’t up to any shenanigans in my absence.
“Correction,” I say. “You workforme, and I need to know where you are at all times. Why waste time hunting you down when I can keep you right here?”
“Uh, hello? Have you heard of cell phones? Or email?”
“Why bother with any of that when I can just have you right where I want you?”
“And where is that?”
“Under my thumb, of course.” I wink, unable to resist provoking her further. As I’ve learned today, she looks especially hot when mad. Unsurprisingly, of course. The woman can’t do anything without driving me crazy with lust.
Her temper flares again, and she opens her mouth to argue, but I hold up a hand to stop her. I don’t trust myself not to kiss her senseless if she goes off on me again