Page 133 of Bound By Revenge

Connor Daniels. McGuire’s right-hand man. This could be the break we need we’ve been waiting for. But as much as I want to focus, my thoughts keep drifting back to Kat. To the fact that she’s out there alone. To the fact that she felt the need to sneak out on me.

Dmitri’s words echo in my head, reluctantly sticking. Maybe she does need space—from this mess, from me. She’s bold, dangerously so, but she isn’t reckless. If something went wrong, she’d call me. At least, I hope she would.

It takes everything in me not to storm out and hunt her down, drag her back here where she belongs. But I can’t bear the idea of driving her away. Besides, the best way to protect her is to end McGuire for good.

“Bring him up,” I say finally, forcing my focus back to Connor. “And tell Vladmir to find Kat. I don’t want her to know he’s there, and I don’t want him trying to bring her back. Just keep an eye on her.”

If nothing else, Vlad’ll be eager to redeem himself.

Dmitri smirks, already moving. “On it. Let’s see what Connor has to say.”

My mind is elsewhere,my heart isn’t in it—but Dmitri and I ruthlessly interrogate Connor. It doesn’t take long to learn why he was sniffing around so close to my home.

He was looking for Kat.

His orders were to take her—at all costs.

My blood runs cold as his words sink in, and before I know it, my hands are around his throat. Connor’s face darkens, his eyes bulging, and it’s only when Dmitri yanks me back that I realize I’m seconds away from choking the life out of him.

Connor gasps for air, blood trickling from his split lip. With enough blood and bruises, Connor finally cracks. “You know the story as well as I do,” he says between labored breaths. “Your pal Maxim ended up working for McGuire because of a rebellion in our ranks. My predecessor was the leader. Jack.”

Dmitri and I exchange a glance but stay silent, waiting for him to continue.

Connor coughs, spitting blood onto the floor before continuing. “What you don’t know is, close to the end, Jack figured McGuire was onto him. But Jack was clever. He wrote down everything he knew about Patrick—every dirty secret, every asset—in a little black book. And he didn’t stop there. He stole millions from McGuire and buried it somewhere, marked the location in the same book, and then hid it. Insurance.”

His bloodied mouth twists into a bitter grin. “But Jack didn’t get to use it. Died in a car accident before McGuire could lay a hand on him. Or maybe it was for the best. At least he didn’t live long enough for McGuire to get his hands on him.”

“And why is it, exactly, that we’re supposed to care about any of this?” Dmitri asks, folding his arms, his tone as cold as the room feels.

Connor hacks violently, blood dripping down his chin. “Jack’s little black book… Everyone thought it was gone for good after he died. But McGuire found out something new recently.” He pauses, wheezing. “Turns out Jack had a lady on the side. Kept her a secret from everyone.”

Dmitri raises an eyebrow, skeptical but silent. Connor keeps going, his voice raspy and uneven. “She wasn’t exactly heartbroken over Jack’s death. When McGuire waved some cash in front of her, she sang like a goddamn canary. And what she told him…” He chuckles darkly, then coughs. “It drove the old man crazy.”

Dmitri shifts beside me, arms crossed, radiating impatience.

Connor’s bloodied lips curl into a weak grin. “According to her, before Jack died, he entrusted one person with the location of the book. Just one. Imagine our surprise when we found out it was your good friend Maxim Petrovski.”

The words hit me like a brick, my mind reeling, but Dmitri’s snort cuts through the haze.

“You honestly expect us to believe that bullshit?” Dmitri snaps. “A secret mistress? A magic book? You’ll say anything to save your ass and McGuire’s.”

Connor shrugs weakly, grimacing as he coughs again. “Believe what you want, pup. Doesn’t matter to me. I knew my number was up the second you dragged me back here. Whether it’s McGuire who kills me or Nikolai, I’m a dead man walking. I’ve got no reason to lie.”

His grin widens, blood staining his teeth. “Why do you think McGuire didn’t throw a fit when Maxim came back from Russia? The old man thought it was his chance to get his hands on the book. He just needed to get close enough to grab him.”

“And the museum?” I ask. “That’s why you were there?”

Connor nods slowly, his breaths labored. “The plan was to snatch Maxim once he’d had a few drinks, but...” His smirk returns, bitter and hollow. “Someone beat us to it.”

My fists clench, my knuckles aching with the force. “You really expect me to believe you and McGuire had nothing to do with Maxim’s murder?”

Connor shrugs, his movements sluggish and resigned. “Like I said, I’m already dead. All I can hope for now is that you make it quick. Maybe telling you what I know gets me that mercy.”

Beside me, Dmitri scoffs, stepping forward. “Nik, you’re not buying this crap, right? He’s clearly full of shit. Let’s kill him and send McGuire a message.”

I stare at Connor, trying to decide my next move, but the sound of Kat’s voice outside my office shatters my focus. A second later, a deep, angry baritone snaps back at her

Before I even register what I’m doing, I’m moving. I yank the door open, and there she is