“Chop-chop, then, mister. Lead the way,” she says, her smile playful.
In the kitchen,Kat’s over-the-top reaction to the baked goods she demanded has me laughing, even as a strange warmth blooms inside me.
She sighs dramatically, kissing my cheek with exaggerated enthusiasm. “You’re a prince among men. No—a king.”
I smirk, pouring coffee for both of us. “Do me a favor and bring this same energy tonight.”
She rolls her eyes, laughing as she takes her coffee. “Well, itistrue that good food and drink are the way to my heart.”
“Noted,” I say, leaning casually against the counter. “From now on, nothing but caviar and champagne for you, then. If I’d known it was that easy…”
“Cute,” she says, chuckling. “Though let’s be real—when it comes to you, I’ve been pretty easy.”
I scoff. “You can’t be serious.”
"It's true." She shrugs, taking a bite of her croissant. “But I’ll have you know, I'm easy, but notthateasy. You’re going to have to work for it.”
I lean in, brushing a quick kiss over her lush lips. “Of that, I have no doubts. Now eat your food. You’re going to want your energy later.”
Her lips curve into a dangerously tempting smile, one that has me straining against the zipper of my pants—not even a full hour after spilling myself inside her.
“Well,” she says, her tone as smooth as silk. “You certainly talk the talk. But will you walk the walk? I wonder…”
I lean forward, narrowing my eyes. “That sounds a lot like a challenge,” I murmur. “Make my day,kiska. Call my bluff.”
She smirks, eyes glinting with mischief. “Is that a threat or a promise?”
“Fuck around and find out.”
Her laugh bubbles up, light and carefree, as she loops a finger around the collar of my shirt and draws me close enough for a teasing kiss on my lips.
The sound of her laughter—bright, unrestrained—warms me to my bones, but it does nothing to ease the tension pooling low in my gut.
“I’ll never finish this meal if you keep teasing me,” she says, playfully shaking her head. “And trust me, you donotwant to see me hangry. So, please, try not to be so irresistible for just a moment, okay? Let me get through at least two bites of this croissant without wanting to steal a kiss from you.”
“I don’t know why you’d feel the need to steal something I’m dying to give you,” I reply with a smirk.
She sighs, glaring pointedly at me. “This is exactly what I’m talking about.”
I laugh, raising my hands in surrender. “Fine. My lips are sealed. Not another word until you’re done eating.”
“Thank you,” she says sweetly, though there’s a glint of mischief in her eyes as she slathers an obscene amount of butter onto her already buttery croissant.
A moment later, her expression shifts into pure bliss. “Mmm,” she moans, her eyes fluttering shut as if the pastry were performing miracles.
I shift in my seat, trying to discreetly adjust myself as my jeans grow increasingly uncomfortable.
“I swear,” she continues, completely oblivious to my plight, “there’s nothing better than a fresh croissant. Honestly, it’s probably better than drugs. Maybe even better than sex.”
“Is that right?” I ask, arching a brow.
She opens her eyes, a playful sparkle in them. “I said maybe. Obviously, I was referring to inferior, underwhelming sex. You know, the kind I’d have with anyone but you.”
“If you think talking about sex with other men is going to appease me, you’re about to be sorely disappointed.”
She sighs dramatically, leaning in to press a quick kiss to my cheek. “I justloveit when you get all jealous. I could watch you throw these little fits all day long.”
“Oh, no, you don’t,” I warn, my voice dropping to a low grunt. “Don’t even think about it. I’ not putting up with you going out of your way to make me jealous on purpose.”