I stoop down to gather Frankie’s clothes, shaking my head. “You know what I mean, Antonio. You deal with body parts.”

“No, I deal with patients. I’m not a surgeon and I’m not a medical examiner. But I get your point. I’m going to break him down like a spatchcock chicken,” he jokes with a light laugh.

“I’d rather you didn’t.” A voice says from behind me. I turn around to see a tall man, handsome, intimidating, but wearing a coy grin as he approaches Antonio. However, as intimidating as he is, I’m not afraid.

“Luca Devlin, this is my fiancé, Gemma Marzano,” Antonio says as he shakes Luca’s hand with Frankie’s body slumped on the shore at their feet.

“Marzano? As in Don Armande Marzano and the Marzano brothers?” Luca raises a brow, his gaze shifting to me.

“He’s not the don anymore.” I tell him. “My brothers are in the city as well.”

“I can see that.” Luca chuckles, gesturing toward the body at Antonio’s feet. “Anybody I should know?”

“No, but can you help us torch that stuff?” Antonio asks him with a glance at the pile of clothes in my hands.

“Of course, I can. I owe the Marzano family a few favors. How is Don Armande? I just saw your cousin, Julian, not too long ago.”

“Armande is in Sicily with my parents, retired from the, uh, family business. I know Julian went off and married some woman. Claire, I think, and his mother went nuts and tried to kill everybody. Me and my brothers are still trying to adjust to the west coast,” I tell him.

Luca offers half a smile and says, “I try to stay out of the family business, but I’ve been fishing with Armande. Here, let me show you the best way to layer that stuff to burn it.”

Luca leads me toward the steel drum, where right behind it is a metal crate. There are coals and other attachments to turn the barrel into a makeshift grill. He takes the pile from me and organizes it like a lasagna of clothes, coals, and lighter fluid. After handing me the box of matches, he walks away to help Antonio.

The drop of a single match holds me in a trance. My memories dance in the heat of the flames as I lose myself in thought. I remember it like it was yesterday, the fear, panic, and confusion rippling through my body. Staring into the eyes of a guy who said he loved me but held me at gunpoint and tied me up while he ransacked my family’s home.

Guilt is the emotion that lingers from that night. Someone I chose to let into my heart, let himself into my home to steal from us when I refused to introduce him to my brothers. The guilt of allowing someone to sweet talk me into letting my guard down just to spite me when it didn’t go his way. Anger came shortly after the guilt. The death of my ex and getting rid of his body that night still haunts me.

The sound of splashing pulls me out of my head and into the warmth of the fire dancing in the drum. I look over to Antonio and Luca as they wade back toward the beach with trails of blood swirling in the water until it vanishes along with Frankie’s body parts under the waves.

I don’t think either of them know how their voices carry across the breeze. Even with waves crashing against the rocks, I can hear bits of their conversation. It feels intrusive, but I can’t stop listening.

“I’m serious, Luca, she’s the love of my life,” Antonio says.

Luca nods. “I’m happy you found someone you can share your life with, scars and all. It’s just the family name, you know? Hasn’t the Marzano family put you through enough?”

Antonio shrugs. “Nothing I didn’t volunteer for. Besides, you know how it is. It’s easier to be with someone who gets it. She’s always going to get it.”

Luca shifts his gaze toward me. I try to keep my eyes on the fire that’s more smoke than flames at this point, to avoid them noticing I can hear them talking. Luca’s tone is low as he asks Antonio, “But will she be okay when you walk away from it?”

Is he talking about this lifestyle with my brothers? Every man in my family is in the mob. How can I walk away from it? I tried that already and look, it’s followed me across the country anyway. Or is Luca talking about Antonio’s relationship with me?

I don’t know the depths of their friendship, but it’s obviously close since we’re here on Luca’s property. Would Antonio share his plans with Luca, or will he stick to our charade to promote this sham of an engagement?

Luca and Antonio reach me just as the fire is almost completely out. Antonio stretches his hand to help me out of the beach chair and Luca smiles, peeking into the steel drum.

“I’ll make sure the rest is charred. I’m not sure how much time you guys have considering, um, that you had to gofishing,” Luca says with his eyes moving from the fire toward the water.

“Don’t worry, Luca, we’re leaving now. We have to get away from here because that fish bait being swept out to sea is supposed to be alive and well. If people see us here and know Ronan’s place is a short walk from here, it’s too easy to connect the dots.” Antonio’s words are indifferent as if this is just another part of his day.

I study Antonio as he puts his shoes on and places his hand saw back into the bag. There are fresh drops of water on it from washing away Frankie’s bits. I don’t care as much as I feel a normal person should. I’m numb to all of this.

“Don’t forget to get rid of the stuff you’re wearing too. Just in case,” Luca suggests as he stokes the fire back to life.

“Will do,” Antonio replies, and shakes hands with Luca before leading me back to the beach. We round the corner and head up the stone pathway toward Ronan’s tree-lined yard. The grass tapers from sparse blades and rocks into the lush lawn at the edge of the property line.

Antonio holds his hand against my stomach, keeping me behind him as he stalks closer to the house. My heart races as we inch closer and closer to the back door. He points to his ear and motions for us to get low. The steady thump of my heart pounding against my chest is loud enough to drown out any possible whispers of intruders.

I can’t freak out now, but I don’t know what’s waiting for us. The car’s in front of the house near the garage. The back door opens and Antonio’s body tenses. He balls his fists, ready for a fight and I wish we had some firepower instead of a bag full of medical grade tools.