To prevent that, they had added a discreet camera at the garage gate and routed the feed to both Powell’s people and the main security office. The elevator already had a camera. Not that they were going to leave George vulnerable during the time it took his people to get down the stairs. One of the security guys would be assigned to stay with her while she worked.
A few of the existing security men had pre-volunteered for the job. Not that Rainer blamed them. Guarding the cute girl who could talk cars was a superior detail to babysitting a very depressed Ephraim. Of course, if he suspected any of actually flirting with her, he’d have Powell switch them to the sad accountant so fast their heads would spin.
“Any idea on what she’s going to work on first?” Powell’s normally neutral tone held more than a hint of interest. Yes, it was going to be interesting having an in-house mechanic.
“I think she’s narrowed it down to a ‘58 Corvette, but there was also a 1900 Super Berlina in the running.”
Powell whistled. “Nice.”
He left with a nod, promising to get the new security team in place as quickly as possible. Trusting his man to do his job, Rainer put in a few hours of work before going to find Georgia.
He found her in the spare bedroom, which she was using as an office. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor in a tank top and a pair of his boxers, surrounded by papers and printed photographs of classic vehicles in various states of disrepair. It was a common sight.
Rainer knew was using work to distract herself from the Mack situation, but it appeared to be working, so he wasn’t about to point it out.
Becoming aware of his presence, she looked up at him, a flash of guilt crossing her face. “Hi. I’m sorry I used a lot of your ink. I thought printing pictures of the cars would help me decide which ones to work on first, but it didn’t.”
Damn, she was adorable. “You know, you could just buy them all.”
Most of the vehicles she was looking at were being auctioned off in the seven-to-fourteen-thousand-dollar range. At those prices, it wasn’t unreasonable to get well-stocked.
Georgia got to her feet, wagging her finger. “Nu-uh. No biting off more than I can chew. Also, the best way to crash a new company is to overspend before we get a bead on demand.”
Hands in his pockets, he shrugged philosophically. “I just don’t want you to miss something cool. Most of your inventory is going to be sourced from auctions, right?”
“Mostly,” she admitted, sucking in her lower lip and biting it.
“Hey, that’s my job.” Taking her chin in his hand, he used the pad of his thumb to pry her luscious lower lip from between her teeth. Her soft breath fanned his finger, and, just like that, he was hard as a rock.
Reading his intent, Georgia started breathing faster, shuffling and clenching her thighs together. He was seconds away from stripping off the boxers she was wearing and pushing her back on the bed when her phone began to buzz.
Her hands flew to cover her mouth for a second before she grabbed her phone and turned off the jingle. “I forgot I set an alarm for the last five minutes of the auction for my first choice.”
She pointed to the open laptop at the edge of the scattered paperwork. A counter was flashing over the picture of the Corvette. “Excellent choice.”
“I’m sorry, I have to make sure no one outbids me at the last minute.”
He held up his hands and backed away. “I understand.”
Georgia blushed. “I’ll be there as soon as I’m done.”
“Good, because I want that naked pussy in my mouth in…” He checked the timer, tacking on time so she could send her details to the seller. “Seven minutes—ten tops.”
Her whimper shot straight through him, making the bulge in his pants swell. But she tore her eyes away, crouching by the laptop. “Not nice. Very not nice.”
Rainer snickered. “I would say sorry, but I’m starting to hurt here. I’m going to jump in the shower, a cold one. Try not to take too long…”
Georgia cupped her eyes, giving herself blinders to focus on the screen. Rainer retreated, stripping and showering in record time. He was toweling himself off, intending to go back to the bedroom to drag Georgia out the second she was done, when he saw her.
She was naked, kneeling on the bed with her hands bound in the restraints.
Rainer dropped his towel. The cold shower had helped ease his erection, but Georgia had just blasted his efforts to hell.
He leaned against the doorjamb. “Did you win, baby?”
Her luminous eyes flicked up to meet his before bashfully turning back to the coverlet. “I did.”
His grin was slow. “Well, I think this calls for a celebration.”