Georgia had just created a tiny fenced-in prison just for him. The kidnappers couldn’t get to him. And he couldn’t get to her.


He wanted to yell at her to run, but she was already moving. She clambered out of the driver’s side, right into Sam’s waiting arms.

But Samantha didn’t shoot her. She slapped her across the face before turning her nails into claws and lunging. He thought she was going to blind her, but Sam was going for her hands, trying to pry the Corvette keys from her grip.

Georgia curled into a ball, protecting the keys underneath her.

“Get the fuck away from her, youbitch,” he shouted, rattling his cage with helpless fury.

But Sam had come too far to give up. She backed up and picked up the Beretta, which she must have dropped earlier.

“Don’t you touch her youbitch.” Rainer started to climb, intending to go over the top of the fence, despite the spikes studding the top.

But Sam didn’t shoot Georgia. Two men wearing balaclavas materialized at her side, and she stopped. Somewhere in the distance, a door slammed, and then they were running—not alone. One masked man had picked up Georgia.

“Let go!” Twisting and kicking, she struggled against his hold, but compared to the muscled behemoth, she was tiny. The masked man hauled her up with one arm, before sprinting to the open van door just outside the door.

Something flashed silver in the light before disappearing under the Corvette—Georgia had thrown the keys underneath the car, protecting him to the bitter end.

Rainer was still screaming himself hoarse when he sailed over the top of the gate, tearing his shirt and scraping his abs on the sharp points.

But it was too late. Georgia had been thrown into the back of the van. He was more than a dozen yards away when the door slammed shut behind her.

The van peeled out of the garage before he could get to it.


Georgia’s ears were ringing. Dazed, she belatedly registered the blow as the arm retreated. One of the men had hit her this time—a strong man capable of inflicting way more damage than Sam. Whimpering, she curled up against the wall panel, crying out when a quick jolt slammed her aching body into the side.

The driver behind the wheel was treating the van like a race car.

“He’s going to flip us,” she cried, throwing out an arm to brace herself as the van careened around another curve, the right-side wheels clearing the ground ominously

“Shut up.” Cold steel pressed against her forehead. Georgia blinked up at Sam. The woman didn’t look pretty now. Her hair was a mess, and she had a crazed look in her eyes.

But her makeup was still perfect, even as she was pressing a gun to Georgia’s head.That is so fucked up.In a fair world, her mascara would have run, giving her raccoon eyes. Or better yet, blinding her.

“You should have minded your own fucking business, Georgia,” Sam spat, pushing the barrel hard enough to bruise. “If you hadn’t gone to Torsten, this wouldn’t be happening.”

“Stop it,” one of the men snapped in a thickly accented voice. “We need her alive for the ransom video.”

“What?” Georgia’s voice broke. “Are you ransoming me now?”

“You’re marrying the son of a bitch, aren’t you?” Samantha snapped, waving the gun.

Georgia groaned. Of course. Judy must have told Sam. They hadn’t come for Rainer at all.

Well, shit. She pressed against the wall of the van as it took another sharp turn. Samantha swayed violently with the motion, and Georgia expected a bullet to shatter her skull at any moment.

It will be painless, she told herself, hoping it were true. No sooner did she have the thought than Georgia realized she wasn’t going to go without a fight. She had too much to live for now. Rainer washers. Their life was a dream, and, damn it, she wouldfightfor it.

But another hissed complaint from one of the masked men made Sam put the gun away.

The van was speeding down the streets before it abruptly slowed. Less than a minute later, it came to a shuddering stop.

Bright light hit her horizontally as the sliding door was yanked open. No one was holding her down. Propelled by a burst of adrenaline, she jumped up, leaping past her assailants, only to crash into a new pair of arms.