She tried not to envy the socialite’s appearance. Caroline’s smooth platinum hair was in a perfect French twist, a hairstyle Peyton never had the patience to try. The woman was also dressed in a sharp white suit, a color Peyton couldn’t wear without instantly getting it filthy in some freak accident. The suit was trimmed in sparkling yellow thread.
It’s probably real gold, she thought waspishly. Gene, Caroline’s father, owned a lucrative string of boutique hotels. The Caislean had a reciprocal loyalty program with the smaller chain. It was how Caroline and Liam had met a bit over three years ago. They dated for seven or eight months before breaking up the first time—a record for Liam. Over a year later, they began seeing each other again, resuming an intermittent but distressingly lasting relationship.
Peyton almost missed the days of interchangeable blonde bimbos. Those were around for a few weeks at the most before Liam dropped them to find a new, nearly identical model.
But even she had to admit Caroline wasn’t part of that mold. Yes, she was blonde, but the similarity ended there. Like Liam and the other Tylers, she had grown up in the hotel business. Caroline helped her father manage the boutique chain, and she was partially responsible for its success.
Liam’s expression darkened before her eyes. “I already said not now. It’s not the time,” he growled.
“Oh, come on Liam—it’s a celebration! We’ll just be doing more of it now.”
Caroline turned, waving with an expansive gesture. Peyton blinked as she realized Caroline was deliberately calling attention to a massive diamond ring on her left hand.
“We’re engaged,” Caroline squealed, poking Liam when he tried to shush her.
The announcement was followed by a long silence. Peyton’s lungs began to burn when she felt all eyes on her.
“Congratulations,” she said in a loud, overly bright voice, trying desperately to sound jovial while her heart was silently ripped to shreds.
“Thank you,” Caroline said, smiling up at Liam. He shook his head at her as if she were an incorrigible child.
“You should have waited,” he scolded. “Sorry. She should have waited,” he repeated apologetically, this time addressing Peyton. “This is supposed to be your day.”
“No problem,” she said in a hoarse voice, grateful for the dim light. “More to celebrate.”
“That’s exactly what I’ve been saying,” Caroline chided, reaching up to touch the nape of Liam’s neck.
Peyton nearly gave herself whiplash when she jerked her attention away. She turned to the other girls. Next to her, Maggie was bone white. Peyton pivoted on her heel, unable to see her own shattered expression reflected in her best friend’s eyes.
Elynn gave Maia a hard nudge. The other woman hurriedly stood, then crossed the room to turn the music back up.
Everyone started talking at once. Peyton pushed her plate of cake away, then staggered to her feet. She couldn’t make anything out through the haze of tears. Biting the inside of her cheek she inhaled deeply through her nose, refusing to let a single one fall as she made a beeline for the restroom.
Someone called her name, but she didn’t stop. The party would have to go on without her.
Chapter 2
Peyton clung to the toilet, violently retching. It felt like her lungs were being compressed by steel bands—a cage around her chest, one that only let her get one shallow breath at a time. It wasn’t enough. She needed more air.
Tears coursed down her cheeks.You knew this was coming. Lately, Liam had been spending so much time with Caroline. And he wanted the hotel chain Caroline’s father owned. But Gene Wentworth wanted to keep his business in the family. He’d made that clear on several occasions.
Despite his ambition, Peyton never thought he’d go this far. It was Liam after all. He’d built an empire from nothing through sheer grit and determination. Nobody could force his hand this way. Not if he didn’t want them to. Which could only mean one thing. He loved Caroline.
Peyton wanted to laugh. At long last, Liam Tyler had fallen in love. It just wasn’t with her.
All those people out there… Despite trying to hide her feelings for Liam, they had all known. Not to mention all the lies she’d told herself. She was the only one she’d fooled. Only Liam and Charlotte had been oblivious to the pain they’d so casually inflicted. The pity on everyone else’s faces had been humiliating.
I need to get out of here.Dying wasn’t an option. Caislean employees were not allowed to expose themselves or be unprofessional in any way. She’d been employee of the month all those times because she knew the rules backward and forward.
Grabbing some toilet paper, she scrubbed at her cheeks, giving silent thanks to the makers of waterproof mascara.
“Peyton, are you okay?” Expensive shoes appeared under the stall door.
She had expected Maggie, but the voice wasn’t hers.
“I’m fine,” she called out. The quiver in her voice called her a liar.
The woman huffed. “Yeah, see…I’ve been that kind of fine. Sergei’s lucky I didn’t kneecap him back then for what he did to me.”