Page 42 of Save Me

Chapter 21

Eric spreadthe gel over his patient’s extended stomach and waved the sonogram wand over it until he found the baby’s heartbeat.

“Everything seems good,” he told Marie-Claire, walking her through all the vital statistics for a fetus at her stage of pregnancy.

His explanation was detailed and reassuring—and completely for the benefit of Marie-Claire’s anxious husband, celebrity chef Rémy Paquin. His actual patient was a rock, and surprisingly unflappable considering she was approaching the end of her first pregnancy. Next to him, Andie took notes on the vital statistics for Mrs. Paquin’s file.

The chef worked at Calen McLachlan’s five-star restaurant in Paris, Meliae. He was a brilliant culinary artist and Eric was looking forward to eating at the restaurant later that night. But first he had to get the high-strung man back to work, and that wasn’t going to happen until Marie-Claire had been given a clean bill of health.

Glad he was able to give one, he wrapped up the examination without betraying his impatience to get out of there. He had a big surprise for Andie and he was eager to see her face when he gave it to her.

Months had passed since her attack. They had left Vegas immediately after getting the all clear from the cops. Her ex was serving jail time, a reduced sentence in exchange for his cooperation with the investigation.

As far as Eric was concerned, Todd had gotten off too lightly for abandoning Andie to those thugs when she needed him the most. He would have fought tooth and nail to get her away from those assholes.

She was everything to him.

The second man had disappeared without a trace, but they found Juliet a few weeks later. Her body turned up in California, in a hotel in the heart of Silicon Valley. She had been killed in exactly the same way she’d intended Andie to die—via overdose.

Despite Eric’s protests, the cops in California had ruled the death a suicide. There would be no further investigation from that quarter.

Fortunately for him, Calen had Mike and his security staff continue to investigate. Mike believed any threat to Andie had died with Juliet. It was cold comfort, but it was all he had. Meanwhile, he and Andie had both started counseling, teleconferencing with a therapist they shared since they traveled so much.

Andie had teased him for his insistence on going through the counseling together in addition to her individual sessions, but he’d meant what he told her at the hospital. He wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. And she didn’t mind—not yet. In fact, the few times Andie had been away from him, the relief on her face when she saw him again spoke volumes.

He was determined to make sure Andie never felt unsafe again. Eric thought he had succeeded to a large degree, but the time had come to move forward. Which was why they were here in Paris. The check-up for Mrs. Paquin was a convenient excuse for their trip here, but the real reason was a belated honeymoon.

He and Andie were going to spend two whole weeks relaxing and sightseeing—without a single medical appointment scheduled till next month.

“Thank you again for humoring my husband,” Marie Claire said in a low voice after her husband had hustled to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

“It’s no problem,” Andie told her with a beaming smile. “We can’t wait to try his food later!”

“Are you two a couple?” Marie-Claire asked glancing from one to the other.

“Yes,” Eric confirmed, smiling at Andie with a heat in his eyes that made her blush. “We’re married,” he said with pride, turning back to his patient reluctantly.

“Oh, I remember those honeymoon days,” Marie-Claire said with a laugh as she watched their interplay. “I will let you two get out of here so you can enjoy Paris.”

“We intend to,” Andie said, almost vibrating with excitement. She hadn’t been able to sleep on the plane ride over the Atlantic, but that didn’t seem to detract from her energy level.

Which is good for me. He wasn’t going to need to factor in a nap before making mad passionate love to his bride.

After giving the neurotic chef his most convincing everything-is-fine speech, he gave the man a card with his temporary replacement’s number. He suspected the relief doctor wouldn’t thank him later. Remy would probably be on the phone before he and Andie got out of the building.

“Congratulations again!” Andie called behind her as they left the Paquin home.

“You make a great PA,” he told her as they made their way outside.

Patients loved her. Andie was sweet, charming, and efficient. Her natural warmth put them at ease. They could tell she genuinely cared about their welfare.

“Well thanks, Doc,” she said with a giggle. “But I think you might be a little biased. Are we really going to his restaurant tonight?”

“Yes. I hope he is too.”

“Oh, I think it’s sweet he’s so concerned—although I hope you’re not that way when the time comes for us,” she added with a nudge.

“I’m going to be fine. I have a system all worked out.”