Page 38 of Save Me

Chapter 18

“Why the fuckisn’t Andie picking up her phone?” Mike yelled in his ear.

Eric winced, pulling his cell phone a little farther from his head. He’d just arrived at the club. It was still pretty dead, but Trey had called him into his office to discuss their ongoing security strategy.

“I think she’s still at the hotel,” he said, shrugging at Trey, who mouthed, “What’s up?” “She’s getting a massage later and is probably sleeping right now.”

“Well call her as soon as she wakes up. There’s something she needs to know. You too.”

“What is it?”

“I think Andie’s friend Juliet is involved in this Drek business. One of my staff just sent me a video. It’s grainy but I think I’m seeing an exchange there. Todd’s showing her a baggie of pills and she slaps his face and shoves them back in his pocket.”

“Oh, that is weird,” he agreed, sitting down.

“Yeah, and it’s not some lovers spat either. Juliet’s gay.”

He nodded before remembering Mike couldn’t see him. “I’ll call Andie right now,” he promised, turning to Trey. “Are Todd and Juliet both on the schedule?”

“Just Juliet. She should be here by now. Why?”

He explained briefly with Mike still on the line. “Are you coming in?” he asked Mike.

“Yeah. We’ll call the cops in and send them the video. They can decide what action to take.”

“All right. I’m going to call Andie. I’ll have the concierge wake her if I have to. She was crashing on Juliet’s couch before I got here and was talking about going to going to get her stuff sometime this week. But she didn’t mention anything about this before,” he added, in case Mike decided Andie was too close to this mess.

Mike swore in a low voice. “Call your girl now. And have Trey get some guys to watch Juliet. Maybe we can get a buy on film.”

“Okay,” Eric agreed, hanging up right away. He dialed Andie’s cell phone in case she’d woken up in the meantime, but when she didn’t answer he called the hotel’s front desk to ask them to knock on their door.

“I’m sorry, sir. There’s no answer.”

“Look, this may be an emergency. Can you go in with your key card? The room is registered under my name. I can give you permission.”

“We will do that as soon as we have a female staff member get up here to your floor. It’s company policy.”

Eric suppressed a groan and agreed. He held his breath until the guy came back on the line.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Tam. It appears Mrs. Tam isn’t in her room. Our records indicate she called for a cab an hour ago. She left roughly a half hour ago. The address is Kenwood Avenue.”

Fuck! Andie had gone to Juliet’s apartment. He hung up and turned to Trey, who was on his Bluetooth headset, talking in a low voice with one of the security guys on the floor.

“Is Juliet here?” Eric asked.

“She hasn’t clocked in yet,” Trey said with a frown. “Which is atypical. She’s very reliable and has never been late before.”

Of course, she wasn’t late. Juliet wouldn’t jeopardize her job as a waitress at the hottest club on the strip. Not if she was a drug dealer savvy enough to find a way to sell under Trey’s nose.

“I have to go,” he said, trying hard to ignore the tight feeling in his gut. “Call Mike and tell him to head to Juliet’s apartment. It’s four-o-three Kenwood Avenue, number ten.”

“You think something’s going down?” Trey asked, standing up with his phone in hand.

“I think so. Tell him to hurry.”

He didn’t wait for an answer before running out the door.