Page 34 of Save Me

Chapter 16

Andie had never had somuch sex in her life. Almost a week had passed since she’d solemnly sworn to love, honor, and occasionally obey Eric Tam.

The “occasionally” had been his suggestion. He’d said marriage would be no fun if she obeyed all the time. That was the moment she knew marrying him was the right decision.

So far she had no regrets. Even when Eric resumed working at the club, she stayed in the hotel room, relaxing with the various spa treatments he insisted she enjoy.

She also rested. There had been so many sleepless nights in the past month, and it felt good to relax and regroup before facing the world again, this time as Mrs. Eric Tam.

So many things were still unresolved. She had texted Juliet to let her know she was all right, but hadn’t gone to the apartment to pick up her things yet.

Andie would be moving to Boston as soon as Eric was free. He wasn’t sure when that was going to be, but she understood. He didn’t want to leave Calen or Mike in the lurch while the whole drug mess was still an issue.

Eric suggested she go ahead to Boston without him, giving her license to redecorate his apartment however she wished. As tempting as the offer was, she didn’t want to go anywhere without him. Plus, the cops would find it suspicious if she suddenly skipped town.

On the second evening, Andie decided to stop procrastinating and go pick up the rest of her clothes. She hadn’t needed them yet, but would if she ever intended to leave the hotel again. There was a huge list of things to get done before moving.

She also wanted stop by Juliet’s apartment and clean it as thanks for helping her out. Eric had given her a little stash of cash too, so she could leave some for her share of the utilities.

Andie hated borrowing money, but couldn’t refuse her own husband. She would pay him back every cent, although she suspected he would fight her on that. He was very much of a what’s-mine-is-yours mindset. Which was great, except she didn’t bring much to the relationship. It made her feel guilty.

That was going to change. She had her priorities straightened out and was getting the rest of her life back in order. Once in Boston, she would convince Eric to hire her as his PA so they would never be apart again.

After her beloved groom left for the club she took a cab down to Juliet’s building. She swore when she realized her phone was completely dead.

Of course, she thought as she arrived. Her phone charger was here at Juliet’s. Well, if her friend had already left for her shift, at least she would come home to clean place.

Humming quietly, Andie was so busy admiring the sparkle of her engagement ring that she almost didn’t notice the door to the apartment was open a crack—something her cautious roommate would never allow.

Pushing the door open with her hip she stopped short. The place was a mess. It had been ransacked. Pillows and random papers were strewn all over the floor. And it was getting worse because the person making the mess was still there.

She recognized him immediately, despite the fact his back was to her. Sensing her presence, Todd spun around to face her, a ripped sofa cushion in one hand and a knife in the other.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Andie asked, leaving the door open behind her in case she had to make a quick escape.

Todd turned around, surprise flashing across his face before it twisted. “You’re so smart you fucking figure it out!” he hissed at her.

He pivoted on his heel and started grabbing the cushions off the couch, squeezing them before tossing them to the ground, swearing under his breath the whole time.

She thought she heard him say something about a “fucking doctor”, but she dismissed it. Then he started tearing at the lining, ripping the backing cloth from the frame.

“What the hell, that’s Juliet’s sofa!”

Andie stood there like an idiot as he shifted from the couch to the shelves above it, tossing things off, and opening a decorative box to check inside.

“Todd stop or I’m going to call the cops!”

She had to call the police anyway. He was vandalizing Juliet’s apartment. Was this some sort of revenge for breaking up with him? He must not know she wasn’t staying here anymore. Was he hoping Juliet would kick her out onto the streets so she would be homeless?

Todd flipped another table over on his way to the kitchen, where he started rummaging through the cupboards. Andie shook her head, pushing herself to do something. She fished her cell phone out of her purse, and pivoted on her heel, prepared to run out the door and call the police from the safety of the stairwell.

She stopped short, staring into the barrel of a gun.