Andie flushed and bit her lip.
Trick squeezed his eyes shut and waved his hands. “Say no more. I’ll go relay that to the kitchen and make myself scarce. Be sure to stop by the suite for a drink sometime before you check out.”
“I’ll do that,” Eric promised, waving as the other man walked away.
“You are shameless,” she chastised with a giggle as he sat back down.
He grinned. “Three words. Record-setting honeymoon.”
She slid across the leather, closing the distance between them. “Well, in that case, I have a few ideas about how to serve this chocolate mousse.” Andie leaned over and began to whisper in his ear.
Eric shifted in his seat. Andie giggled, looking down at his suddenly too-tight pants. She loved knowing she could do that to him with just a few softly spoken words.
Her husband waved at the waiter. “Check, please!”